Show or hide filters, views, or groupings available from the Layout Template

You can choose to show or hide filters, views, or groupings from the Layout Template. Visible filters are available for all users system-wide. You can use a Layout Template to hide visible filters for specific users or groups.

If a user is actively using a filter, view, or grouping and then an administrator disables it, the user still has access until they choose a new filter, view, or grouping. After they choose a new filter, view, or grouping, they will no longer be able to revert to the hidden filter, view, or grouping.

To show or hide filters, views, or groupings available from the Layout Template:

  1. Click Interface, then click one of the following: Filters, Views, or Groupings.

  2. (Conditional) Select the filter, view, or grouping that you want to make available to users, then click Enable system-wide.

    If you want to keep the filter, view, or grouping available for most users, but hide it from others, you can use the Layout Template. For more information, see Customize Filters, Views, and Groupings using a layout template.
  3. (Conditional) Select the filter, view, or grouping that you want to make hide from users, then click Disable system-wide. Once disabled, the filter, view, or grouping will be hidden from the layout template as well as users across the system.

Make filters, views, or groupings available to all users

These steps explain how to make filters, views, and groupings available from the Share dialog in the Interface area in Setup. This setting acts like an on/off switch for the entire system, including the Layout Template.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Click Interface, then click one of the following: Filters, Views, or Groupings.

  3. Select the filter, view, or grouping that you want to make available to users, then click the Share icon Share icon to open the Filter Access, View Access, or Grouping Access form.

  4. (Conditional) To make the filter, view, or grouping available to all users in the system, click the Gear drop-down menu , then click Make this visible system-wide. All users in the system can now see the filter, view, or grouping.


    Begin typing the name of specific users, teams, roles, groups, or companies to share the filter, view, or grouping with, then click the name when it appears in the drop-down list.

    For more information about sharing, see Overview of sharing permissions on objects.

  5. Click Save.

    Users that you specified can now see the default filter, view, or grouping when viewing the object type that you associated it with.

Delete filters, views, and groupings

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Do any of the following, depending on whether you are deleting a filter, view, or grouping:

    • Click Interface > Filters

    • Click Interface > Views

    • Click Interface > Groupings

  3. Select one or more items in the list, then click the Delete icon Delete icon .

  4. See one of the following articles for detailed information about configuring a filter, view, or grouping.

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