Display items in the worklist in the Home area

Each widget contains its own worklist. Worklists display all work items that are assigned to you. You can control which items display in your worklist, by using filters and groupings.

  • To display tasks and issues in the Home widgets, their parent project must be in Current status or a status that equates current.
  • Projects must also be in Current status or a status that equates current to display in Home.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront plan Any
Adobe Workfront license


  • Contributor for approvals only

  • Standard or higher for all other objects



  • Review for approvals only
  • Work or higher for all other objects
Access level configurations View or higher access to Projects, Tasks, Issues, and Documents
Object permissions Contribute permissions or higher to the tasks and issues that you need to work on

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Requirements for work items to display in the worklist

There are built-in requirements for which work items display in certain widget work list. Work items must meet these requirements in order to appear in the following widget’s worklists.

My tasks widget

Tasks must meet the following requirements to appear in the My Tasks widget:

  • The task status does not equate with Complete.
  • The logged in user must be assigned to the task.
  • The task status is not equal to Done.
  • The project the task belongs to must be in a status that equates with Current.

My issues widget

Issues must meet the following requirements to appear in the My Issues widget:

  • The logged in user must be assigned to the issue.
  • The issue status does not equate with Complete.
  • There is not a unresolved object attached to the issue.
  • The issue status is not equal to Done.
  • The project the issue belongs to must be in a status that equates with Current.

My teams widget

Team requests must meet the following requirements to appear in the My Teams widget:

  • The logged in user belongs to the team the work item is assigned to.
  • The work item status does not equate with Complete.
  • The work item does not have an unresolved approval process attached.
  • The work item is not a recurring task.
  • The project the work item belongs to must be in a status that equates with Current.

Filter your work

You can filter items in a widget’s Worklist to see only specific types of items. For example, you can filter the My Work Worklist to display only issues or requests.

The filter options are stored in the browser. If you consistently use the same browser on the same computer (and do not clear the site data) the selected filters, do not change. If you switch browsers or computers, then the filters revert to the default option, which is with all filters deselected.

To filter your work:

  1. Click the Main Menu Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner, then click Home.

  2. (Conditional) Click Customize to add any of the following widgets:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2
    Widget Description
    Boards Displays any boards that you have created or have been invited to use
    My Work Displays tasks and issues assigned to you
    My Projects Displays projects that you own or projects you are on
    My Tasks Displays tasks assigned to you
    My Issues Displays issues assigned to you
    My Requests Displays all requests that you have submitted
    My Approvals Displays all of your pending, assigned, delegated, and submitted approvals
  3. Click the Filter icon Filter icon in the right-top corner of the widget worklist.

  4. Choose a Suggested filter or a filter that you have created.
    For detailed information on suggested filters, see Home widget filters overview.

  5. (Optional) Toggle Stack filters on to select multiple filter options.

    My Task filter open

Group your work

You can group the widget worklist to keep your work items organized.

To group your worklist:

  1. Click the Main Menu Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner, then click Home.

  2. (Conditional) Click Customize to add any of the following widgets:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2
    Widget Description
    Boards Displays any boards that you have created or have been invited to use
    My Work Displays tasks and issues assigned to you
    My Projects Displays projects that you own or projects you are on
    My Tasks Displays tasks assigned to you
    My Issues Displays issues assigned to you
    My Requests Displays all requests that you have submitted
    My Approvals Displays all of your pending, assigned, delegated, and submitted approvals
  3. Click the Group icon Group icon in the right-top corner of the widget worklist.

  4. Choose a Suggested grouping or a grouping that you have created.
    Grouping expanded

Customize worklist columns

You can choose which columns appear in the widget worklist:

  1. Click the Main Menu Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner, then click Home.

  2. (Conditional) Click Customize to add any of the following widgets:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2
    Widget Description
    Boards Displays any boards that you have created or have been invited to use
    My Work Displays tasks and issues assigned to you
    My Projects Displays projects that you own or projects you are on
    My Tasks Displays tasks assigned to you
    My Issues Displays issues assigned to you
    My Requests Displays all requests that you have submitted
    My Approvals Displays all of your pending, assigned, delegated, and submitted approvals
  3. Click the Column icon Column icon in the right-top corner of the widget worklist.

  4. Toggle the columns on or off depending on your preferences.

  5. (Optional) Click the Drag icon Drag icon to reorder the columns.
    Columns expanded

View late items

Adobe Workfront uses the following dates to determine if work requests are late:

  • Tasks: Planned Completion Date
  • Issues: Planned Completion Date
  • Documents: Submitted date
  • Timesheets: Submitted date
  • Approvals: Submitted date
  • Proof approvals: Proof deadline