Home widget filters overview

You can use filters on the following widgets to find and organize work:

My Projects

You can use the following filters in the My Projects widget:

Displays projects in the following statuses: Current, Planned, and Approved
At Risk
Displays projects in At Risk status
Behind Schedule
Displays projects in Behind status
Displays projects in Current status
Due This Month
Displays projects with Planned Completion Dates that fall within the current calendar month
Displays projects in Late status
My Projects
Displays projects assigned to me or my project team in Current status
On Time
Displays projects in On Time status
Over Cost Budget
Displays projects where the Actual Cost value is greater than its Planned Cost value
Over Work Budget
Displays projects where the Actual Work Required value is greater than the Work Required value
Queues Only
Displays projects designated as request queues
Displays projects in Requested status
Scenario Planner Projects
Displays projects with an Initiative ID set through the Scenario Planner

My Tasks

You can use the following filters in the My Tasks widget:

Active Tasks

Displays tasks with no Handoff Date or Handoff Date that is today or earlier and

  • A completion percentage that is less than 100%
  • The Can Start value is set to True
Approval Tasks
Displays tasks in Pending Approval status
Can Start

Displays tasks assigned to me that

  • Are not in a status that equals complete
  • Have a Can Start value that is true
Critical Path
Displays tasks designated as Critical
Incomplete Tasks
Displays tasks with statuses set to anything except Complete
Milestone Tasks
Displays tasks that are associated with a milestone. See Associate milestones with tasks for more information.
My Project Tasks
Displays tasks in Current status where I am a member of the project team
My Tasks
Displays tasks assigned to me
Not Assigned to an Iteration
Displays tasks that are not assigned to an iteration
Recently Interesting

Displays tasks where the last update was within the past two weeks and

  • The Commit date is greater than the Planned Completion date
  • or The Project Duration is greater than the Planned Duration
  • or The condition is Going Smoothly or Some Concerns
  • or The primary task assignee has started working on the task
Unassigned Tasks in My Role

Displays tasks that are

  • Assigned to my Role
  • Incomplete
Upcoming Tasks

Displays tasks that

  • Are incomplete
  • Belong to a project in Current status
  • Have a planned start date within two weeks of today's date

My Issues

You can use the following filters in the My Issues widget:

All Unassigned
Displays all issues that are unassigned and do not have a resolving object attached
Assigned To Me
Displays issues where I am the primary assignee
Displays issues with completion dates
Entered By Me
Displays issues I entered
My Project Issues

Displays issues where

  • I am the primary assignee
  • The status is incomplete
  • There is no resolving object attached
My Recently Submitted Issues

Displays issues that

  • I submitted
  • There is no resolving object attached
  • The status is not in Complete and there is no Completion Date
  • Were submitted within three months of today's date
My Submitted Issues
Displays issues I own
Displays issues that don't have a Completion Date
Displays issues that have resolving objects attached
Unassigned In My Role
Displays all issues that do not have a primary user assigned but do have a role assigned

My Work

You can use the following filters in the My Work widget:

Working on
Displays items that you are currently working on
Ready to start

Displays items with

  • No incomplete predecessors or task constraints
  • The Planned Start Date is in the past or up to two weeks in the future
Not ready

Displays items that have

  • Incomplete predecessors or task constraints that prevent the item from being worked on
  • or The Planned Start Date more than two weeks in the future
Displays issues that you have not started work on
Delegated by me
Displays items that you have delegated to other users
Delegated to me
Displays items users have delegated to you
Displays work completed within the last two weeks. This filter option does not include approvals.

My Approvals

You can use the following filters in the My Approvals widget:

Delegated approvals
Displays approvals delegated to you
My approvals
Displays items that require your approval
Approvals I've Submitted
Displays items you have submitted for approval