Work item details

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Priorities.

  2. In the worklist, click the work item name.

  3. Click the Document tab at the top of the screen.

  4. Click the Upload document > Document.

  5. (Optional) Do any of the following:

    1. Select a folder.
    2. Make a comment
    3. Add additional files.
  6. Click Upload.

Create a simple or advanced proof

You can create a proof from a document from the worklist or the work item Details page.

Worklist summary panel

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Priorities.

  2. In the worklist, hover over the work name, then click Summary icon open summary icon .

  3. Ensure you are on the Task or Issues tab in the panel.

  4. Click the Document icon in the right side rail.

  5. Click the Upload file icon, then choose the file.

    You must upload the document before you can create the proof.
  6. Once the file uploads, click Create proof.

  7. Choose one of the following:

    Simple ProofThis option creates a proof with no workflow attached and applies the default proof settings. You can update the default proof settings or add a workflow after you've created the proof. For more information on proof settings, see Edit proof settings.
    Advanced Proof

    This option allows you to configure a Basic or Advanced workflow and modify proof settings for the proof you create. For more information, see

Work item details

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Priorities.

  2. In the worklist, click the work item name.

  3. Click the Document tab at the top of the screen.

  4. Click the Upload document > Proof.

  5. Create a the proof as described in
    Create an advanced proof with a Basic workflow
    Create an advanced proof with an Automated workflow

Filter and sort

You can organize your document using filters and sorting options.


You can filter documents by

  • Added by
  • File type


You can sort documents by

  • Date added
  • File type
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