Expected Workfront Configuration

You must have the following in Workfront to use this scenario:

  • A user profile in Workfront named Anaplan Integration, that has system administrator rights.

    For information on creating a user in Workfront, see Add users.

  • A Campaign Brief custom form attached to the project object to store custom data values you elect to send to Anaplan.

    The form must contain the following fields:

    Field NameField Type
    Last Transmission DateDate
    Integration NotesParagraph Text Field

    For information on creating custom forms, see Create a custom form.

Expected Anaplan Configuration

You must have the following in Anaplan to use this scenario:

  • A user profile in Anaplan named Workfront Integration, that has system administrator rights.

  • The Anaplan Model that you want to use for this scenario.

  • The List within the Anaplan Model that you want capture campaign budgets.

  • An Anaplan Actual Expense Import file that contains the following columns, in this order:

    1. Workfront Expense GUID

    2. Workfront Project GUID

    3. Actual Amount

    4. Description

    5. Expense Type

    6. Effective Date

    7. Campaign Name

    8. Anaplan List Item ID

    To prepare the Anaplan Actual Expense Import file:

    1. Copy and paste the following into a text editor or Excel.

    2. Save the file in a CSV format.

    3. Upload the file into Anaplan.

      For instructions, see the Anaplan documentation about importing data into modules from a file.

    4. Make note of the name you gave to the file; it will be used during the deployment of the Fusion scenario template.

    Example CSV contents

    "Workfront Expense GUID","Workfront Project GUID","Actual Amount","Description","Expense Type","Effective Date","Campaign Name","Anaplan List Item ID"
    "622aead400423eb2e4479fece9a72987","6218062a000d0442903fcfa21e11f556","2345","Expense 1","","2022-03-09","New Project 6","202000001030"
  • An Anaplan Planned Expense Import file that contains the following columns, in this order:

    1. Workfront Expense GUID

    2. Workfront Project GUID

    3. Actual Amount

    4. Description

    5. Expense Type

    6. Effective Date

    7. Campaign Name

    8. Anaplan List Item ID

    To prepare the Anaplan Planned Expense Import file:

    1. Copy and paste the following into a text editor or Excel

    2. Save the file in a CSV format

    3. Upload the file into Anaplan.

      For instructions, see the Anaplan documentation about importing data into modules from a file.

    4. Make note of the name you gave to the file; it will be used during the deployment of the Fusion scenario template.

    Example CSV contents

    "Workfront Expense GUID","Workfront Project GUID","Planned Amount","Description","Expense Type","Planned Date","Campaign Name","Anaplan List Item ID"
    "622aead400423eb2e4479fece9a72987","6218062a000d0442903fcfa21e11f556","1234","Expense 1","Entertainment","2022-03-08","New Project 6","202000001030"
  • A Project Update Import process prepared to execute the import of data delivered in a file upload.

There are separate import files for planned and actual expenses so that they can be reported independently across their planned and effective dates respectively.

For instructions on any of these actions, see the Anaplan documentation.

Deploying to Fusion

Complete the following steps to deploy this integration scenario to your Fusion account. This should only be done after completing the required Workfront and Anaplan configuration.

  1. Navigate to the Templates menu in Workfront Fusion and click the Send Workfront expenses updates to Anaplan list item scenario template.

  2. Replace the variable values for the following Anaplan variables:

    Variable nameReplace value with
    Anaplan Workspace IDThe ID of the workspace from your Anaplan account that you want to use for this scenario.
    Anaplan Model IDThe ID of the model from your Anaplan account and the selected workspace that you want to use for this scenario.
    Campaign List NameThe name of the list from your Anaplan account and the selected workspace and model that you want to use for this scenario.
    File Name: Actual Expense Import

    The name of the file that will receive project actual expense data.

    (Example: WorkfrontUpdateLinkedProjects_ActExpenses.csv)

    File Name: Planned Expense Import

    The name of the file that will receive project planned expense data.

    (Example: WorkfrontUpdateLinkedProjects_PlannedExpenses.csv)

    Process Name: Project Update Import

    The name of the process that will execute the import of project expense data.

    (Example: WF Int - Load Project Expenses)

    Details on how to set up the files and processes are provided in the Anaplan setup documentation.

  3. Select or add an Anaplan connection profile.

  4. Update all remaining Anaplan modules with an Anaplan connection, when prompted.

  5. Select or add a Workfront connection profile.

  6. Update all remaining Workfront modules with a Workfront connection, when prompted.

  7. On the Build Actual Expense CSV module, add a new data structure to map the project attributes to CSV columns.

            "Workfront Expense GUID":"text",
            "Workfront Project GUID":"text",
            "Actual Amount": 100.01,
            "Expense Type":"text",
            "Effective Date":"text",
            "Campaign Name":"text",
            "Anaplan List Item ID": 10000001
  8. On the Build Planned Expense CSV module, add a new data structure to map the project attributes to CSV columns.

            "Workfront Expense GUID":"text",
            "Workfront Project GUID":"text",
            "Planned Amount": 100.01,
            "Expense Type":"text",
            "Planned Date":"text",
            "Campaign Name":"text",
            "Anaplan List Item ID": 10000001
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