Create an Anaplan list item from an Adobe Workfront budget request

This integration scenario links an Adobe Workfront project (campaign) with an Anaplan budget list item. This is accomplished by adding a budget request to the Workfront project that needs to receive funding. This scenario watches for unprocessed budget requests, then executes a process to create an empty budget list item in Anaplan to kick off budget allocation processes in Anaplan.

“Campaign” in this article refers to the marketing campaign use case that this scenario represents, and is in no way connected to the Workfront Fusion Adobe Campaign connector or to the recently deprecated Campaign object in Workfront.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to use the functionality in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Pro or higher
Adobe Workfront license*
Plan, Work
Adobe Workfront Fusion license**
Workfront Fusion for Work Automation and Integration
Your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion as well as Adobe Workfront to use functionality described in this article.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

**For information on Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses, see Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses

Triggering Event

This scenario is scheduled to execute every 15 minutes.

Expected Workfront Configuration

You must have the following in Workfront to use this scenario:

  • A user profile in Workfront named Anaplan Integration, that has system administrator rights.

    For information on creating a user in Workfront, see Add users.

  • A Budget Request custom form attached to the Request object.

    The following required fields must be included on the custom form to aid in data mapping to Anaplan:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto
    Field Name Field Type
    Budget Request Type



    • Adjustment to Funding

    • Initial Funding

    Requested Labor Funds
    Requested Expense Funds

    For information on creating custom forms, see Create a custom form.

  • Project templates representing campaigns and other projects requiring funding, configured with a Budget Request queue topic. The Budget Request queue topic is assigned to use the Budget Request custom form.

  • A Campaign Brief form for the project object.

    This form must contain the following fields:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 layout-auto
    Field Name Field Type
    In Market Start Date Date
    In Market End Date Date
    Campaign Overview Rich Text Field
    Key Message Rich Text Field
    Target Audience


    Include options that fit your processes.

    For information on creating custom forms, see Create a custom form.

Expected Anaplan Configuration

You must have the following in Anaplan to use this scenario:

  • A user profile in Anaplan named Workfront Integration, that has system administrator rights.

  • The Anaplan Model that you want to use for this scenario.

  • The List within the Anaplan Model that captures campaign budgets.

    The list’s module must support receiving the following attributes:

    • Workfront Project GUID
    • Campaign Name
    • Requested Labor Funds
    • Requested Expense Funds
    • Budget Request Type
    • Reason for Funding Adjustment

    This list and module must store additional details that are necessary for the normal functionality of Anaplan, including the ability to set a budget and communicate that the budget list item is ready to be synced back to Workfront.

For instructions on any of these actions, see the Anaplan documentation.

Deploying to Workfront Fusion

Complete the following steps to deploy this integration scenario to your Fusion account. This should only be done after completing the required Workfront and Anaplan configuration.

  1. Navigate to the Templates menu in Workfront Fusion and click the Create an Anaplan list item from a Workfront budget request scenario template.

  2. Replace the variable values for the following Anaplan variables:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 layout-auto
    Variable name Replace value with
    Anaplan Workspace ID The ID of a workspace from your Anaplan account.
    Anaplan Model ID The ID of a model from your Anaplan account and the selected workspace.
    Anaplan Module Name The name of the module that describes the campaign attributes in the selected Anaplan List.
    Campaign List Name The name of the list from your Anaplan account and the selected workspace & model.

    Details on how to set up the files and processes are provided in the Anaplan setup documentation.

  3. Select or add an Anaplan connection profile.

  4. Update all remaining Anaplan modules with an Anaplan connection, when prompted.

  5. Select or add a Workfront connection profile.

    After deploying the template, this is the module you will update to add or remove custom field references from the value of the fields property if you want to alter the default mapped fields to Anaplan.

  6. Update all remaining Workfront modules with a Workfront connection, when prompted.

To complete the workflow represented by this template, you must also deploy the following additional template:

Additional scenarios for spend optimization include:
