Create a proof with advanced proofing options

  1. Create a proof using the Document createProof action in the Workfront API.

    When creating the proof, set {} as the value for the advancedProofingOptions parameter.
  2. After the proof is created, use the ProofHQ API to add any advanced options.


This section shows some sample updates that you can make with the ProofHQ API.


A Proof can be downloaded, has a message, and is shared publicly

Documentation for this endpoint can be found on the ProofHQ API updateProof page.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="https://{{soap_host}}/">
            <Subject>Email subject here</Subject>
            <Message>Email message here</Message>

Update a stage so that it is not private, not mandatory, and requires only one approval

Documentation for this endpoint can be found on the ProofHQ API updateWorkflowProofStage page.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="https://{{soap_host}}/">

Add two recipients to a proof with no primary decision maker

Documentation for this endpoint can be found on the ProofHQ API addWorkflowProofReviewers page.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="https://{{soap_host}}/">
                <email> {{recipient_email_2}} </email>
                <name> {{recipient_name_2}} </name>

Create a proof using JSON in the Workfront API

This section describes how to create a proof with advanced proofing options through the Workfront API, using JSON as a parameter value in the Workfront API

Create a proof with advanced proofing options

You can create proofs through the Workfront API by using the Document createProof action. This action accepts the advancedProofingOptions parameter, which has the value type of string. To include advanced proofing options in your createProof action, you must input the options in the advancedProofingOptions parameter in JSON format.

It can be difficult to predict the fields to include in your advancedProofingOptions JSON. You may want to examine your organization’s network data while using advanced proofing in Workfront, and base your JSON on the fields and values commonly used by your organization.
Because these fields can be difficult to predict, we recommend creating a proof using the Workfront API, then updating it using the ProofHQ API. For more information, see Create a proof using the Workfront and ProofHQ APIs (Recommended) in this article


This example shows fields and formatting that you can use when creating your JSON for the advancedProofingOptions parameter. Your advancedProofingOptions JSON file can have more or fewer fields than shown here.


    "stages": [
            "name": "stage1",
            "lockOn": 1,
            "position": 1,
            "isPrivate": false,
            "activateOn": 1,
            "recipients": [
                    "name": "",
                    "role": 5,
                    "email": "",
                    "recipient_id": "",
                    "notifications": 0,
                    "isPrimaryDecisionMaker": null
                    "name": "",
                    "role": 5,
                    "email": "",
                    "recipient_id": "",
                    "notifications": 0,
                    "isPrimaryDecisionMaker": false
            "isMandatory": false,
            "deadlineDate": null,
            "deadlineTime": null,
            "isOneApproval": true,
            "activateOnDate": null,
            "parentPosition": null,
            "activateOnDecision": null,
            "deadlineCalculateOn": null,
            "deadlineBusinessDays": null
    "message": "",
    "subject": "",
    "templates": [],
    "hasMessage": true,
    "canDownload": true,
    "customfields": [],
    "hasPublicSharing": true,
    "isAutomatedWorkflow": true,
    "stageBasedVisibility": 0
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