Creating Decision Reasons

Decision reasons are a good way of capturing additional decision information about a proof.

  1. Click Settings > Account Settings.

  2. Open the Decisions tab.
    By default, reasons are available to all decision makers on your proofs, but you can restrict that to Primary decision makers only.
    Depending on your requirements, you can allow multiple reasons to be selected or you can make it a single choice list. You can also make reasons mandatory, which means that reviewers will have to pick a reason before they are allowed to save their decision on a proof.

  3. In the Reasons section, click New reason.

  4. Type a title for the reasons section in the box that appears under Reason.

  5. If you want to include a text box, select Include text box.

  6. Click Save.
    The most important step is selecting the decisions that reasons should display on. If you forget to do that, the reasons are not going to show on your proofs.

  7. Check the boxes in the Display reasons column in the decisions list at the top of the page. You can select one or more decisions for your reasons.

Creating a Post Decision Message

You can create a post decision message to display after a reviewer saves their decision on the proof.

  1. Click Settings > Account Settings.

  2. Open the Decisions tab.

  3. In the Post decision message section, click Edit at the end of the Message row.
    You can also decide if you want the message to be displayed to all decision makers or if you want to limit it to the Primary decision maker.

  4. In the Display message column, specify the decisions this message should be displayed on.
    If you do not select at least one decision, the message will not show on your proofs. Be sure to check at least one box in this column.

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