What’s new in API version 18

Adobe Workfront released API version 18 on April 8, 2024. API version 18 features the following changes from version 17.

Added resources

No resources were added for API version 18.

Removed resources

No resources were removed for API version 18

Modified resources

AccessLevelPermissions (ALVPER)

An AccessLevelPermissions object represents a specific permission to access, create, or modify a Workfront object. These permissions can then be associated with an Access Level.

Direct fields
  • coreAction

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

  • forbiddenActions

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

  • secondaryActions

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

AccessRequest (ACSREQ)

If a User does not have access to an object in Workfront that they need, they can request access to that object. The AccessRequest object represents this request.

Direct fields
  • action

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

AccessRule (ACSRUL)

An AccessRule object represents a rule set in custom access levels that determines how users can share projects they create.

Direct fields
  • coreAction

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

  • forbiddenActions

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

  • secondaryActions

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

Approval (APPROVAL)

A given work item, such as a task, document, or timesheet, may require that a supervisor or other user sign off on the work item. An Approval object represents the action of signing off on a work item.

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • actualBillableExpenseCost

    • actualNonBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

AwaitingApproval (AWAPVL)

  • Added the following operations:

    • ADD

    • DELETE

Baseline (BLIN)

Baselines are snapshots of what the performance of a project looked like at a given moment in time. They store key pieces of information about the project, like key dates, progress, cost and revenue values.

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • actualBillableExpenseCost

    • actualNonBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

BaselineTask (BSTSK)

Baselines are snapshots of what the performance of a project looked like at a given moment in time. They store key pieces of information about the project, like key dates, progress, cost and revenue values. When you create a baseline, the task information is also captured on the baseline tasks of that baseline.

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • actualBillableExpenseCost

    • actualNonBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

Category (CTGY)

A Category object is a custom form.

Direct fields
  • catObjCode:

    Added the following possible values:

    • NLBRCY (Non-Labor Resource Category)

    • HOUR (Hour)

    • RTCRD (Rate card)

  • objTypes:

    Added the following possible values:

    • NLBRCY (Non-Labor Resource Category)

    • HOUR (Hour)

    • RTCRD (Rate card)

Document (DOCU)

A Document object represents a file (such as written material, images, or other forms of information).

  • createLargeDocument:

    Added the following parameter:

    • documentID
  • moveToFolder:

    Added. This new action takes the following parameters:

    • documentIDs

    • folderID

    • moveToFolder

FinancialData (FINDAT)

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • actualBillableExpenseCost

    • actualNonBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

Default fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • actualBillableExpenseCost

    • actualNonBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

JournalEntry (JRNLE)

The JournalEntry object can be set up to log information about specific object fields any time those fields are modified. When a field is set up to be logged as a part of the Journal Entry object, a corresponding Journal Entry will be created every time that field is modified.

Direct fields
  • changeType

    Added the following possible values:

    • AAO (enum.actiontypeenum.assetapproval.opened)

    • ADM (enum.actiontypeenum.assetapproval.locked.all.decisions.made)

    • AUL (enum.actiontypeenum.assetapproval.unlocked.manual)

    • ALM (enum.actiontypeenum.assetapproval.locked.manual)


An OpTask object is commonly known as an Issue. An issue is a work item that usually indicates that there is a problem preventing the completion of a task or project. An Issue can also be a Help Desk request. Change Orders, Requests, and Bugs are also Issues.

  • convertToProject:

    Added the following fields:

    • copyCategories

    • copyNativeFields

  • convertToTask:

    Added the following fields:

    • copyCategories

    • copyNativeFields

Project (PROJ)

Projects are work items within Workfront, and are a main building block in the way Workfront helps people to do work. A Project object represents a group of tasks with a common, specific goal.

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • actualBillableExpenseCost

    • actualNonBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

  • createProjectWithOverride


ProjectUserRole (PTEAM)

Direct fields
  • Added the following field:

    • ID
Core fields
  • Added the following field:

    • ID

QueueDef (QUED)

A QueueDef object represents a Queue, which is a project that has been published to the Help Desk area to allow users to submit issues to it.

Direct fields
  • requestorCoreAction

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

  • requestorForbiddenActions

    Added the following possible values:

    • VIEW_COST_RATES (View Cost Rates)

    • VIEW_BILLING_RATES (View Billing Rates)

    • VIEW_GENERAL_FINANCE (View general finance)

    • EDIT_COST_RATES (Edit Cost Rates)

    • EDIT_BILLING_RATES (Edit Billing Rates)

    • EDIT_GENERAL_FINANCE (Edit General Finance)

Rate (RATE)

A Rate object represents a billing rate in Workfront.

Direct fields
  • companyID

    Added the following flags:



  • displayName


Core fields
  • displayName


Task (TASK)

A Task object represents a work item that must be performed as a step toward achieving a final goal (completing a Project).

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • actualBillableExpenseCost

    • actualNonBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

  • convertToProject

    Added the following field:

    • copyCategories

Template (TMPL)

A Template object represents a pattern for a project. Projects can be created from templates to save time. A template contains a team and tasks, which will be copied to any project created from the template.

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

TemplateTask (TTSK)

A TemplateTask object represents a Task that is part of a Template. Template Tasks become Tasks in the Project where the Template is used.

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost

TemplateUserRole (TTEAM)

Direct fields
  • Added the following field:

    • ID
Core fields
  • Added the following field:

    • ID

Timesheet (TSHET)

A Timesheet object represents a virtual timecard that allows Users to enter actual hours worked for Tasks, Projects, and overhead Hour Types.

Core fields
  • Removed the following field:

    • objCode

Update (UPDATE)

Work Items in Workfront can be updated to keep users informed of the current status. An Update object represents one of these updates. Updates can be entered by users or created by the Workfront system.

Direct fields
  • updateType

    Added the following possible values:

    • assetapprovalsLockedAllDecisionsMade

    • assetapprovalsUnlockedManual

    • assetapprovalsLockedManual

    • assetapprovalOpened

  • recentUpdatesObjIDs


UserPrefValue (USERPF)

A UserPrefValue object represent a user preference.

Direct fields
  • value

    Added the validator MAX_LENGTH

Work (WORK)

A Work object is a common interface that both Task and OpTask inherit, and shares common code between the two.

Direct fields
  • Added the following fields:

    • actualBillableExpenseCost

    • actualNonBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedBillableExpenseCost

    • plannedNonBillableExpenseCost
