Considerations about editing goals

  • You cannot edit goals with a status of Closed.

  • You can edit goals from any time period.

    You can edit the following information for a past goal:

    • Name

    • Time period

    • Status

      If the goal is Closed, reopening it recalculates the Progress percent complete. You cannot edit a closed goal.
    • Description

    • Results and activities

Edit goals

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu icon , then click Goals.
    A list of goals displays.

  2. Click a goal.
    The goal page displays.

    Goal page

  3. Do one of the following to edit information for the goal:

    • Click fields that display in the goal header to update them. Not all fields in the header are editable.

    • Click the More icon More icon to the right of the goal name, then click Edit.

    • Click Goal details in the left panel and click the Edit icon Edit icon in the upper-right corner, then click Edit all. Start updating fields in the Goal details section.

      Not all fields that display in the areas mentioned above can be edited. Workfront calculates some of the fields and they are read-only.
  4. (Conditional) Depending on what you selected in the previous step, update the following information about the goal:

    • Update the following information in the goal header, then press Enter to save your changes:

      • Goal name: Click the name of the goal and start typing a new name.
      • Owner: Click the name of the owner, and start typing the name of a user, team, group, or your company, then select it when it displays in the list. You can have only one owner for a goal.
    • Update the following information in the Edit Goal box, then click Save:

      • Goal name

      • Period: Click to update the time period for the goal
        Select Enable custom dates to specify dates for the goal’s Start and End dates.

        Deselect Enable custom dates to return to the original time period for the goal.
      • Goal owner

      • Description: Add or update information about the goal.

    • Update or review information in the Goal details section. For more information, see Update goals in the Goal details section in Adobe Workfront Goals.

  5. (Optional) Click Progress Indicators in the left panel to add results, activities, or projects to the goal. By adding progress indicators, you ensure you can track the goal’s progress.
    For more information, see the following articles:

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