Add projects to goals in Adobe Workfront Goals
You can connect projects to goals to indicate how the goal progresses, based on the actual progress of the project. The project becomes a progress indicator for the goal.
By connecting projects to goals you can tie your organization’s strategic planning (goals) to the actual work your people are performing and completing every day (projects).
Access requirements
You must have the following:
*For more information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
Considerations about connecting projects to goals
You can add a project that meets the following criteria to a goal:
You must have at least permissions to View it.
note note NOTE If you lose your permissions to view the project after you have attached the project to the goal, you can still see project information on the goal, but you can no longer access the project. -
The project must not be in a status of Dead.
You can associate multiple projects with a goal.
You can associate the same project with multiple goals.
You cannot manually update the progress of a project from the goal that the project is attached to. Instead, Workfront calculates the percent complete of the project and Workfront Goals calculates the goal progress using this percent complete. This updates the goal in real time after the project percent updates.
The project duration can be outside the time period of a goal. If a project lasts longer than the goal’s deadline, you can still close your goal and consider it completed, but the goal percent complete will not be 100%. The percent complete of the project no longer updates on the goal.
When you delete a project attached to a goal, the project is also deleted from the goal.
note caution CAUTION If the goal was active before you deleted the project and there are no other progress indicators on the goal, the goal becomes Inactive.
Add projects to goals
Click the Main Menu
From the Goal List, click the name of a goal to open the goal page.
Click Progress indicators in the left panel.
From the New progress indicator drop-down menu, click Add existing project.
The Add projects to goal box displays.
(Optional) Update the View, Filter, or Grouping by clicking the respective icons in the upper-right corner of the list to modify the way the list of projects displays.
(Optional) Click the Search icon
Select the projects that you want to add to the goal, then click Add.
The selected projects are added to the goal and they display in the Progress indicators section of the goal page, under the Project grouping.
After you activate the goal, the progress of the goal automatically updates when the progress of a project updates. For information about activating a goal, see Activate goals in Adobe Workfront Goals.
Locate project information on goals
The following project information is visible at the goal level in the Progress indicators section of a goal's page:
Locate goal information on projects
The following goal information is visible in a project list or report: