Delete a card from a board

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Boards.

  2. Access a board. For information, see Create or edit a board.

  3. Click the More menu More menu on the card, and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete on the confirmation message.

Archive a card from a board

  1. Access the board.

  2. Click the More menu More menu on the card, and select Archive.

    Archived cards are hidden from the board unless you apply a filter to display them. For more information, see Filter a board to show archived cards in this article.

    An Archive icon Archive appears on archived cards. You can’t edit an archived card, but you can delete it or move it to another column.

  3. To restore an archived card, click the More menu More menu on the card and select Restore.

Filter a board to show archived cards

By default, only active cards are displayed on a board. You can filter the board to also display any archived cards.

  1. Access the board.

  2. Click Configure on the right of the board to open the Configure panel.

  3. Expand Cards.

  4. Turn on Display archived cards on the board.

  5. Click Filter, expand the Archived Cards section, and select Archived cards to display any archived cards.

    The filter shows the number of archived cards.

    Filter archived cards

    The Archived Cards section is not available in the filter if you have not turned on the configuration setting to display archived cards. For more information, see Customize which fields are displayed on a card.
  6. Select Archived cards again to clear the option and display only active cards.

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