Get started with dashboards
The purpose of a dashboard is to provide quick access to information that comes from multiple reports. First, you can gather information in reports and you can then place multiple reports on dashboards to make the information easier to access.
Access requirements
You must have the following:
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header | |
Adobe Workfront plan | Any |
Adobe Workfront license |
Access level | View or higher access to Reports, Dashboards, and Calendars |
Object permissions | View permissions to the dashboard |
For information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
Objects that you can add to a dashboard
You can populate a dashboard with up to 25 of the following items in Adobe Workfront:
For more information about creating reports, see Create a custom report. -
For more information about creating calendars, see Calendar reports overview. -
External Pages
For more information about creating external pages, see Embed an external web page in a dashboard.
For more information about creating a dashboard, see Create a dashboard.
Share dashboards
You can share a dashboard with users in the following ways:
Sharing on an individual basis.
For more information about sharing dashboards, see Share reports, dashboards, and calendars and Share a dashboard. -
Add a dashboard to any area or object in Workfront with a custom section.
For more information on creating custom sections, see Left navigation in the Adobe Workfront. -
Place the dashboards on layout templates, which you can share with users.
For more information about sharing dashboards through layout templates, see Customize the left panel using a layout template. -
Print a hard copy of them to share with users.
For more information about printing dashboards, see Print a dashboard. -
Export them as a PDF file so you can email them to users.
For more information about exporting a dashboard to a PDF file, see Export a dashboard.
When you share a dashboard with users, all the reports, calendars, and external pages that are on the dashboard are also shared with the same users by default.
Display dashboards
You can display a dashboard in the following ways:
Access the custom section where the dashboard is placed.
For more information on placing dashboards on custom sections, see Left navigation in Adobe Workfront. -
Search for and manually access the dashboard.
Access a dashboard
Click the Main Menu icon
Hover over the left sidebar, then select any of the following:
My Dashboards: Dashboards you have built are listed here.
note tip TIP If you don’t have Edit access to Reports, Dashboards, and Calendars in your access level, you cannot create dashboards. In this case, the My Dashboards list is empty. -
Shared Dashboards: Dashboards that are created by other users and shared with you are listed here.
All Dashboards: Both your dashboards and dashboards that other users have shared with you are listed here.
Click the name of a dashboard to display it.
The dashboard displays the information included in the reports, calendars, or external pages that populate it. -
(Optional and conditional) Click the Reload icon in the upper right of the dashboard to refresh the information on the dashboard.
The information on the dashboard is synchronized in real time when you first access it. If you have displayed the dashboard for a while in your browser, the information inside the reports on the dashboard could become outdated. The date and time when the dashboard was last refreshed is listed to the left of this icon.
Delete dashboards
If you want to remove a dashboard from Workfront, you can delete it.
To learn more, see Delete a dashboard.