Default sections in the Dashboards area

The following sections display in the left panel for the Dashboards area:

My DashboardsDisplays the dashboards that you have built.
Shared DashboardsDisplays the dashboards that have been created by other users and shared with you.
All DashboardsDisplays the dashboards that you or other users have created, and which you have permissions to at least View.

To learn how to use the left panel in the Dashboards area, see the section Use the left navigation panel in this article.

Default sections in the Requests area

SubmittedDisplays requests that you or other users have submitted, and which you have permissions to at least View. Use the filters in the upper-right corner of the request list to view your requests or requests others have submitted and you have access to view.
DraftsDisplays requests that you have started but you have not submitted them yet. Workfront automatically saves any new request in the Drafts folder, after you have selected your queue topic.

To learn how to use the left panel in the Requests area, see the section Use the left navigation panel in this article.

Default sections in the Resourcing area

The following sections display in the left panel for the Resourcing area:

PlannerDisplays the Resource Planner. Use this area to plan your resources across multiple projects. For information about using the Resource Planner, see Get started with Resource Planning.
Workload BalancerDisplays the Workload Balancer. Use this area to assign actual work to your resources.
For information about using scheduling resources, see Overview of assigning work in the Workload Balancer.
UtilizationDisplays the Utilization Report. For information about how to read the Utilization Report, see Overview of the Resource Utilization report.
Resource PoolsDisplays all Resource Pools in Workfront. For information about Resource Pools, see Resource pools overview.

To learn how to use the left panel in the Resourcing area, see the section Use the left navigation panel in this article.

Default sections in the Projects area

The following sections display in the left panel for the Projects area:

All ProjectsDisplays all projects that you have access to view. Use the Filter drop-down menu to change what projects you want to view
Custom sectionsYou can view all the custom sections that your Workfront administrator has added to the left panel for the Projects area in your Layout Template. Custom sections have names that have been customized for your environment.

To learn how to use the left panel in the Projects area, see the section Use the left navigation panel in this article.

Default sections in the Timesheets area

The following sections display in the left panel for the Timesheets area:

My TimesheetsDisplays all your active timesheets by default. To display submitted or closed timesheets, select Submitted or All from the Filter drop-down menu.
Timesheets I ApproveDisplays timesheets that have been submitted for your approval, by default. To display active or all timesheets where you are the approver, select Active or App from the Filter drop-down menu.
All TimesheetsDisplays all timesheets that you have access to view, based on the filters selected in the left Filter area.

To learn how to use the left panel in the Timesheets area, see the section Use the left navigation panel in this article.

Default sections in the Goals area

Accessing goals requires an additional license. For information about Workfront Goals, see Adobe Workfront Goals overview.

The following sections display in the left panel for the Goals area:

Goal ListDisplays all the goals that you have access to view. For more information, see Manage goals in the Goal List of Adobe Workfront Goals.
GraphsDisplays the performance of your goals in charts. For more information, see Review graphs to understand goal progress trends in Adobe Workfront Goals.
Goal AlignmentDisplays the alignment of goals with each other in a hierarchy. For more information, see Goal alignment overview in Adobe Workfront Goals.

To learn how to use the left panel in the Goals area, see the section Use the left navigation panel in this article.

Use the left navigation panel

Finding and editing information in the left panel is similar for these objects. The options available in the left panel are different depending on what object you access.

To learn what sections are available for specific areas, see Default sections in the left navigation panel.

  1. Click the Main menu icon , then click the name of an object to access it.

    The object page displays.

  2. (Conditional) If you selected an area that contains a list of objects—such as Projects or Portfolios—you must do the following to access the left panel navigation:

    1. Click an object in the list.

    2. (Optional) In the left panel navigation, you can select another object—such as Tasks or Issues within a project—in the left panel to access a list of objects, then click the name of the specific object.\

      The object page displays.

  3. From the object page, click any of the sections in the left panel to view or edit the information in that section.

    You must have permissions to edit the object before you can edit the information.

    Left panel sections

  4. (Optional) Click Show More at the bottom of the left panel to display more sections.

    This option is not available if all sections display in the left panel by default.
  5. (Optional) To add a dashboard quick link, click Add Dashboard at the bottom of the left panel, then do the following:

    1. Type a name for the dashboard in the Quick link name field.

    2. Start typing the name of an existing dashboard in the Choose a Dashboard field, then click the dashboard when it displays in the list.

      You must build the dashboard before it appears in the list.
    3. Click Add.

      The dashboard link appears at the bottom of the left panel.

  6. (Optional) To change the order of a section in the left panel, click the Drag icon to the right of a section and drag it up or down.

    Drag a section

  7. (Optional) To close the left panel, click the Collapse icon .

    When you collapse the left panel, Workfront retains your preference even when you navigate to another Workfront object. To expand the left panel again, click the Expand icon .
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