Review graphs to understand goal progress trends in Adobe Workfront Goals
You can view the overall health of your goals and their progress trend in time in the Graphs section of Adobe Workfront Goals. The charts in this section do not break down the progress of each goal, but instead give you a holistic snapshot of all goals’ progress status as well as their progress trend in time during a specified period.
Access requirements
You must have the following access to perform the actions described in this article:
*For more information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
Types of graphs in Workfront Goals
The following charts are available in the Graphs section or Workfront Goals:
Review goal progress in graphs
Click the Main Menu icon
This opens the Workfront Goals area.
Click Graphs in the left panel.
The Graphs section displays.
By default, the goals displayed in the Graphs section are limited by the following criteria:
- The filters applied to the Graphs area.
- Goals that are in a status of Active and Draft.
(Optional) Select the type of information you want to display by updating the filters in the upper-right corner of the Graphs section.
For more information about filtering goals, see Filter information in Adobe Workfront Goals.
note tip TIP If you selected to display more than one time period, a health chart (gauge) as well as a progress chart (line) displays for each time period. -
Review the information in the table below when you review the Goal Health Chart.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 Total number of goals The number at the bottom of the chart indicates the number of all goals in the selected period, in all statuses you selected. Average percent complete At the top of the chart, this number indicates the average percent complete of active and closed goals in the selected time period. Goals and their progress The number of goals for each progress status segment, when you hover over the segments of the chart. Only goals in a status of Active or Closed are counted in the segments. -
Review the information in the table below when you review the Goal Progress Chart.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header Baseline progress The green slope line indicates the expected overall percent complete average of active and closed goals for the selected time period. All goals within a period are expected to complete, so the baseline progress is always 100% at the end of the period. Actual progress The blue line indicates the actual overall percent complete average of active and closed goals for the selected time period in weekly increments. Each week during the duration of the goal is marked by a node in the line. -
Hover a week node in the goal progress chart and review the following:
- Week date: The month, day, and year of the selected week.
- Progress: An average of the actual percent complete of all goals for the selected week.
- Baseline: An average of the expected percent complete of all goals for the selected week.
(Optional) Click Progress at the bottom of the progress chart to remove the actual overall progress line
Click Baseline at the bottom of the progress chart to remove the expected progress from the chart.