Actual percent complete

Workfront Goals automatically calculates the actual percent complete of a goal based on the percent complete average of the goal progress indicators.

The following items are considered progress indicators for goals:

  • Results

    For information about adding results to goals, see Add results to goals in Adobe Workfront Goals.

  • Activities

    For information about adding activities including projects to goals, see Add activities to goals in Adobe Workfront Goals.

  • Aligned children goals

    For information about parent and children goals, see Align goals by connecting them in Adobe Workfront Goals.

    Workfront Goals calculates the actual percent complete using the following formula:

    Actual percent complete of goal = SUM(Percent complete of goal progress indicators)* 100 / Number of progress indicators

    For example, if a goal has a Result that is 20% complete, a Manual Progress Bar that is 30% complete, a project that is 10% complete and a children goal that is 40% complete, the goal percent complete is 25%.

Expected percent complete

Workfront Goals automatically calculates the expected percent complete of a goal based on the total number of days in the duration of the goal as well as on the number of days that have passed since the goal start date.

Workfront Goals calculates the expected percent complete using the following formula:

Expected percent complete of goal = Number of days since the goal start date * 100/ Number of days in the goal duration

For example, if a goal is due to complete in 90 days, and today is the 45th day of that duration, then the Expected percent complete is 50%.