Create a dashboard

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Dashboards.

  2. Click New Dashboard.
    The New Dashboard dialog box displays.

  3. Specify the following:


    This is the name of your dashboard. We recommend using only UTF-8 characters to avoid compatibility issues.

    If you do not specify a name, the name of the first report on the dashboard becomes the name of the dashboard, by default.

    Description (Optional)This is a description of your dashboard.
  4. Select a layout by clicking the radio button corresponding to it at the top of the Select Layout/ Add Reports/ Add Calendars section. This is the layout in which the reports, calendars, or external pages will display on the dashboard.

    The single-column layout is the default.

    For information about report layout on dashboards, see Understand how reports display on a dashboard.

  5. In the Available Reports & Calendars section, start typing the name of a report, calendar, or external page in the search bar, then drag and drop the report, calendar, or external page in the layout pane to the right.

    When searching for an item, the search returns any of the 2,000 most recently created reports. Report names that include unicode characters are not returned in search results. As a best practice, avoid including unicode characters when naming objects in Workfront by typing names rather than copying and pasting names from another source.

    Search for reports

  6. (Optional) Click Add External Page to add a new External Page to the dashboard.

    For more information about creating external pages and embedding them into dashboards, see Embed an external web page in a dashboard.

  7. Click Save + Close.

    A timestamp displays in the upper-right corner of the dashboard. The timestamp includes the date, time, and time zone when the dashboard was last refreshed.

Previous pageCreate and manage dashboards
Next pageAdd a report to a dashboard
