Mark a work item as Done in the My Work widget

  1. Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, then click Home.
  2. (Conditional) Click Customize to add the My Work widget.
  3. Find the work item, then click Mark as Done on the work item.
    See Understand the options of the Done button for more detailed information about how this button might appear.

Mark a work item Done in the Summary panel

You can mark a work item as Done in the My Tasks and My Issues widget using the Summary panel.

  1. Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, then click Home.
  2. (Conditional) Click Customize to add the My Tasks or My Issues widgets.
  3. Hover over the work item, then click the Summary icon.
  4. Click Mark as done at the top of the Summary panel.

Understand the options of the Done button

By default, clicking the Done button on a work item changes the status of that item to Complete (for tasks) or Resolved (for issues).

Your Adobe Workfront administrator can customize what statuses are associated with the Done button, and apply those customizations to your Home Team.

Depending on how many statuses are associated with the Done button or how many resources are assigned to the task or the issue, the look of the Done button can change.

Done button associated with one status

When the Done button is associated with one status and the work item is assigned to you only, the button reads Done. When you click it, the status of the task or the issue is changed to the status associated with the Done button.

Done button

To understand which status is associated with the Done button, check the Team Settings of your Home Team for the Done Button section, as described in Edit team settings.

If you are not assigned to a Home Team, the default status is chosen when clicking Done, as described above in Understand the options of the Done button.

Done button associated with multiple statuses

When the Done button is associated with more than one status, the button shows the word Done which is followed by a drop-down menu. In this scenario, you cannot simply click Done. You must select a status from the drop-down menu. Select the status that best fits the completion of the work item. By doing this, you are changing the status of the work item.

To understand how you can associate multiple statuses with the Done button, see Configure the Done button for tasks and Configure the Done button for issues.

Done button for items assigned to multiple resources

When the task or the issue is assigned to more than one resource, the button shows the word Done which is followed by a drop-down menu. In the drop-down menu, you have the option to choose between Done with my part (which lets team members know you are complete with your portion of the task), or the status associated with the Done button (which completes the item). After you select Done with my part, the work item is removed from your Work List, but remains in the Work List of those still assigned to the work item.
If the Done button is associated with multiple statuses, they are listed under Done with my part.

On a task or issue with multiple assignees, each user is responsible for indicating that their own assignment on the task or issue has actually been completed. For this reason, each assignee must click Done to show they have completed the work assigned to them on the item.

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