
API information

For more information on the Workfront APIs in this section, see Developer Documentation:Documents.

Find all documents

Find All Documents (DOCU) Linked to Document Provider of providerType with documentProviderID.

Http Method: GET

Http Endpoint: {host}/attask/api/v14.0/document/search?fields=currentVersion:*&currentVersion:externalIntegrationType={providerType}

API DOCS reference

Find all folders

Find All Document Folders (DOCFDR) Linked to Document Provider of providerType with documentProviderID.

Http Method: GET

Http Endpoint: {host}/attask/api/v14.0/documentFolder/search?fields=*,linkedFolder:*&linkedFolder:externalIntegrationType={providerType}

API DOCS: (Document Folder Endpoints Not Currently Covered at

Link Documents (DOCU) from External Document Provider of providerType with documentProviderID.

Documents are temporarily stored. Meaning, you have access to all versions of the document. When you create the link, you can specify the existing document ID, so you are simply writing a new version to that document, with the data being hosted externally in the new provider. This document ID is the same as the document ID found on the document link you are replacing. It’s the same conceptual document. You are simply indicating that the bytes for this new version are stored with a different provider.
Http Method: POST

Endpoint: {host}/internal/documents/linkExternalObjects

Http Body:

API DOCS: (Internal Link Endpoints Not Currently Covered at

Link Document Folders (DOCFDR) from External Document Provider of providerType with documentProviderID.

For folder links, unlike Document links, you need the ‘documentFolderId’ of the folder in Workfront you want to place your new link into. This is the same parent folder, most likely, as the linked folder we are copying.
Folders are not temporally stored. Do not delete the old folders. Disable the custom document integration in the setup area to remove old folders.
Http Method: POST

Endpoint: {host}/internal/document/version/linkExternal

Http Body:

API DOCS: (Internal Link Endpoints Not Currently Covered at

Important terms

  • Document: A digital asset within Workfront

  • Document Folder: A container for digital assets within Workfront

  • Document ID: Workfront internal ID for a digital asset

  • Document Folder ID: Workfront internal ID for a digital asset folder

  • Document Provider ID: ID associated with specific doc providers

For any given Document Provider Type, a customer may have multiple connected instances. They may have multiple AEM Repositories linked for example. Or multiple Google Drive instances linked. The Document Provider ID indicates the specific instance of the connection type we want to replace or switch to.
  • Document Storage Provider Type (also “External Integration Type”): The type of document storage provider integration that Workfront supports. Either via a dedicated integration or a “custom integration”.

  • Current Document Storage Provider Types ( providerType):

  • Linked Document: A digital asset hosted in an external document storage provider. Workfront will have its own internal "Document ID’ for the asset, but the bytes are stored externally. To facilitate this, Workfront also stores an “external document ID” to assist with locating the externally referenced resource within the remote repository or store.

  • Linked Document Folder: A container for digital assets hosted in an external document storage provider. Workfront will have its own internal "Document Folder ID’ for the asset, but the bytes are stored externally. To facilitate this, Workfront also stores an “external document ID” to assist with locating the externally referenced resource within the remote repository or store.

  • External Document ID: ID assigned when assets are stored outside of Workfront. Workfront maps its internal identifier, to the identifier used to locate the asset in the external system, via this “external document identifier” field. Therefore, when linking the document or folder from a new external store, a new external document identifier must be composed, in the appropriate format for the external document provider to identify the document in the new repository or store.

    Workfront does not yet have a standard for external document identifiers. A new spec is being used for AEM IDs, but for other IDs, the external document ID may take on different forms depending on the provider type.
  • Object Type: This is an API only term for the purposes of this document. It’s a type of generic object within Workfront that you wish to interact with. In this cases, you’ll interact with documents and folders having the types “DOCU” and “DOCFDR” respectively.

  • Object ID: The internal Workfront identifier for the generic object you wish to interact with. You’ll interact with documents and folders so this will be either the document ID or document folder ID respectively.


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