How days off affect the burndown chart

The default schedule defined in Workfront affects the burndown chart by excluding days off (weekends and holidays) from the burndown. The burndown chart uses the default schedule to define working days (as described in  Create a schedule).

Agile teams can incorporate team-specific non-working days by defining an alternate schedule (as described in the article Use an alternate team schedule for burndown charts). This alternate schedule is then reflected in the burndown chart of any iteration assigned to the team. The alternate schedule affects only the burndown chart.

Days off are reflected in the burndown chart only if:

  • Work was previously logged on a day off. (The day when work was logged is displayed.)

    When work is logged on a day off:

    • Any work logged is not included when calculating the ideal burndown because the team is not scheduled to do any work.
    • The ideal burndown lines (the solid blue line and dashed blue line) are displayed as flat in the burndown chart for any day when work was done or on the day you are viewing the burndown chart (if you are viewing on a day off).
    • Work logged is included when calculating other burndown statistics such as the estimated completion and the average points or hours per day.
  • You are viewing the burndown chart on a day off. (The day that you are viewing is shown on the burndown chart.)

  • You complete the total remaining work for the iteration on a day off.

    When a user completes the total remaining work for the iteration on a day off, the Estimated Completion field displays the date the iteration was completed.

    When planning the iteration, if you set the iteration end date for a non-working day and the iteration is tracking to finish on time, the Estimated Completion date is set for the last working day prior to the iteration end date that you set (because work is not scheduled to be burned down on non-working days).

    The end date for the iteration is specified when the iteration is planned, as described in the article Create an iteration.

Next pageIteration completion status overview


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