Smart assignments criteria

Workfront calculates smart assignments for tasks in the same way that it calculates them for issues.

The identified assignments are listed in the Users and teams, Job role assignments, and Rate card roles sections of the Assignments field. For more information on rate cards, see Manage rate cards.

Users are recommended in the smart assignments drop-down list based on a combination of the following criteria (listed in order from most important to least important):

  1. Users assigned to other work items in the past 30 days by the user making the assignment. The first 50 users that match this criteria display. The user that is most often assigned displays first.

  2. If the work item is assigned to a team or a role, the list of suggested users is filtered further taking into account the existing assignments below. In this case, only the following users display in the list of suggestions:

    • Users whose Home Team is the team assigned to the work item.
    • Users whose Primary Role is the role assigned to the work item.
  • If there is no role or team assigned on the task or issue, Workfront displays all the users assigned for the last 30 days, up to 50 users.

  • If you have not made any assignments in the past 30 days, only users that belong to either the assigned team or have the role assigned to the work item display in the smart assignments list.

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