Duration Type overview: Simple

The Simple Duration Type is a Duration Type that you can set for a task in Adobe Workfront. For general information about Duration Types in Workfront, see Overview of Task Duration and Duration Type.

Overview of the Simple Duration Type

Your Workfront or a group administrator can set the default Duration Type of your system or group as Simple. In this case, all new tasks will be created with this Duration Type. For information about changing your task and issue preferences as part of your system-level or group-level project preferences, see Configure system-wide task and issue preferences.

The following things occur when a task has a Duration Type of Simple:

  • Project managers can modify the both the Duration and the Planned Hours of a task when modifying how those hours should be distributed among assignees.

    For information, see Update the Planned Hours and Duration of a task with a Simple Duration Type.

    note important
    When you first create a task and assign the Simple Duration Type to it and do not specify a Duration, Workfront calculates the Duration of the task based on the amount of Planned Hours you specify for the task. If you manually modify the Duration of a Simple Duration task, Workfront stops matching the Planned Hours to the Duration because it assumes you want to define them manually yourself.
    Workfront calculates the duration of tasks whose duration has not been manually modified using the following formula:
    Task Duration = Task Planned Hours / Typical hours per work day
    Your Workfront administrator defines the Typical hours per work day in the Project Preferences area of your instance’s Setup.
  • Allocation percent is hidden and allocation hours are available to be edited, instead.

  • All new customers have the system-level Duration Type set to Simple.

Change the Duration Type of a task to Simple

For information about changing the Duration Type of a task, see Update the Duration Type of a task.
