Customize email subjects for event notifications

You can customize the subject line of the emails triggered by event notifications:

Changing the subject lines affects all the users in the system, regardless of the recipient’s access level. Users see all the objects and fields included in the email subject.

Some event notifications have multiple subject lines, which means that those event notifications can have multiple email subjects based on their functionality.

Be careful when deleting default fields for cases when the subject lines refer to multiple objects. Following is the list of event notifications that contain such subject lines:
  • Someone includes me on a directed update
  • Someone includes my team on a directed update
  • Work Item Comment to Thread Participants
  • Work Item Comment to Work Item Assignee

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront plan* Any
Adobe Workfront license* Plan
Access level configurations*

Planner or higher, with administrative access to reminder notifications

For information about giving a Plan user administrative access, see Grant users administrative access to certain areas.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Customize email subject lines for event notifications customize-email-subject-lines-for-event-notifications

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. In the left panel, click Email > Notifications.

  3. Click the Event Notifications tab.

  4. Click the name of the event notification you want to customize to open the Event Notification box.

  5. In the Email Subject Line box, change the text and fields, including custom fields, in the email subject.

    The names of the fields added must match the camel case syntax of our database structure.

  6. Click Update to save the new subject lines for your emails.

Customize email subject lines for multi-object emails

Some event notifications have multiple subject lines, depending on which objects they trigger.

For example, “Someone includes me on a directed update” has two different subjects lines: first is for tasks, issues, template tasks and documents (also known as a “referenceObject”) and the second one is for objects that allow users to make comments, like portfolio, program, and so on (also known as a “topReferenceObject”).

If a user is included in a conversation on the task, issue, template task, or document, an email will generate with the first subject line. The subject line contains “referenceObject:name” and the system defines the object and displays the appropriate name in the subject field. The email subject line would look similar to this: “Comment on Task 123 on Project ABC.”

If added to a project conversation an email with the second subject will generate. Here the subject line contains “topReferenceObject:name” and again Workfront identifies which object was referenced and will return that object name instead of “topReferenceObject:name” in the subject. The email subject line would look similar to this: “Comment on Project ABC.”

To edit the email subject lines and add additional fields to either subject lines, see Customize email subject lines for event notifications in this article.

Customize email subject lines for multi-action emails

Some event notifications also have multiple email subjects to outline the different actions which are taken on the objects.

For example, requesting a document to be added to an issue is an event that can trigger two different emails: one for when the document is added, and one for when the document is edited.

To edit the email subject lines and add additional fields to either subject lines, see Customize email subject lines for event notifications in this article.
