22.2 Mobile enhancements

This page describes all Mobile enhancements made with the 22.2 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment

the week of April 4, 2022.

For a list of all changes available with the 22.2 release, see 22.2 Release overview.

Drawings and comments on proof documents in the mobile app

This feature will be generally available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in mid-April 2022.

The Adobe Workfront mobile app now allows you to add drawings and comments on proof documents. A new toolbar on the proof contains drawing tools for shapes. You can choose settings such as color and line thickness for each shape. Drawing a shape on the proof connects your comment to that area of the proof document.

You can also reply to comments that others have made on the proof.

The following article will be updated when the app is released to the app stores:

Review and make decisions on proofs in the Adobe Workfront mobile app
