Review and make decisions on proofs in the Adobe Workfront mobile app
When a proof is assigned to you for approval, it appears in your list of approvals in the mobile app. You can review the proof directly in the app and make a decision on it. For information about reviewing and approving proofs in Adobe Workfront, see Review proofs within Adobe Workfront.
You can add comments to the proof and go through a revision process before making a final decision. For information about comments, see Comment on proofs in iOS or Comment on proofs in Android.
Your access to review and approve proofs is the same as in Adobe Workfront. For information about proofing capabilities, see Proof Permissions Profiles in Workfront Proof.
Open and review a proof
Open the proof approval task:
Select the proof approval task in the Approvals area of My Work.
Or -
Select Show all Approvals in the Approvals area of My Work. Then select the proof approval task in the list of all approvals.
For information about My Work in the mobile app, see My Work section in the mobile app.
On the Details page, select Go to Proof.
note note NOTE Video proofs cannot be opened in the mobile app. -
Review the document proof.
(Optional) Select
In the single page view, you scroll right and left to move through the document pages. In the continuous view, you scroll up and down to move through the pages.
(Optional) Go to a specific page using the scroll indicator on the right:
- Tap the scroll indicator.
- Type the page number in the Go To Page box and select OK.
Select the arrow on the top left of the document to go back to the Details page.
(Optional) On the Details page, select Updates to see all updates for the proof, such as when it was created and when it was sent for approval.
Lock and unlock a proof
Any user assigned as a proof owner, author, or moderator can lock a proof to prevent others from commenting or making decisions on it.
Lock a proof
- Open the document proof and select the More menu
- Select Lock Document.
A “Locked” indicator appears at the top of the document.
Unlock a proof
- Open the document proof and select the More menu
- Select Unlock Document.
- Select Unlock on the confirmation message.
Make decisions on a proof
After you have reviewed the document proof, you can make a decision in the proof itself. If the proof owner has locked the proof, you will not be able to make a decision.
Make a decision in the proof
Open the document proof.
Select the decision icon
Select a decision in the Make a Decision box.
Some common decision options are shown below. The Adobe Workfront administrator or Workfront Proof administrator can configure the list of decision options. For more information about how administrators can configure decisions, see Configure approval decision options in Workfront Proof.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header Approved The proof is ready to move to the next stage of the workflow. Approved with changes The proof requires some changes, but you do not need to see the revision before it moves to the next stage of the workflow. Rejected The proof is rejected and will not move forward in the workflow. -
(Conditional) If the Adobe Workfront administrator or Workfront Proof administrator has added a list of Reasons, select any applicable reasons for your decision.
Some reasons might also require comments to explain why you chose the reason.
For more information about how administrators can configure reasons, see Configure approval decision options in Workfront Proof.
Select Submit.
Change your decision in the proof
Open the document proof.
Select the decision icon
The Make a Decision box shows your current decision.
Select a different decision, or choose Clear Selection to remove the decision.
For decisions with reasons, you can choose a different reason or remove the reason.
Select Submit.