Generate Proofs in Workfront Proof

This article refers to functionality in the standalone product Workfront Proof. For information on proofing inside Adobe Workfront, see Proofing.

Workfront Proof enables you to create proofs from documents or websites, and share those proofs with others. The following steps describe the various configuration options that are available:

Generate a proof for a document

  1. Do any of the following to begin creating a new proof and display the New Proof page:

    • Click the green New proof button in the upper-left corner of any page.

    • In the Dashboard area, in the Overview tab, click the New proof link.

    • Submit via Dropzone (Enterprise feature).

    • The New Proof page displays.

  2. To proof one or more documents, add documents to be proofed in either of the following ways (repeat this process to add multiple documents to be proofed):

    • Drag a document from your file system into the drag-and-drop area in the Add Files area.

    • Click in the drag-and-drop area in the Add Files area, then browse to find and select the document you want to upload from the file system on your workstation.


  3. To proof one or more websites, specify the URL of the website you want to proof in the Add Files area, then press Enter.

  4. (Optional) Repeat this process to add multiple websites to proof.

    For more details about proofing websites, see Generate a proof for a URL.

    Proof website

  5. (Optional) Modify the file names of any uploaded files:

    1. Mouse over the document name you want to modify in the document list in the Add Files area, then click the Edit icon.


    2. In the Proof name field, specify a new name, then click Done.

    3. (Optional) To delete any files from being uploaded, mouse over the document you want to delete in the document list in the Add Files area, then click the Delete icon.


    4. (Optional) Enable the option, Combine all compatible files into single proof.

      When this option is enabled: All static files and websites are available in a single proof, and you can upload up to 50 files at a given time.

      note note
      Interactive files, including videos and interactive websites, cannot be combined into a single proof.

      When this option is disabled: All documents and websites are generated as individual proofs, and you can upload up to 20 files at a given time.

      To combine all uploaded files and websites into a single proof:

      1. Enable the option, Combine all compatible files into single proof.
      2. In the Proof name field, specify a new name for the combined proof.
      3. In the Add Files area, reorder the included files by dragging a file to the desired order. The order of the files is the page order of the combined proof. For more information about creating combined proofs, see Create a multi-page proof.
  6. (Optional) If you want to use an automated workflow that includes multiple stages, in the Workflow section, select from the following options:

    • Basic: Select this option to designate users who you want to have access to the proof immediately after it is created. You can share the proof with multiple users.

      For more information about sharing a proof, see “Adding Users to a Proof” in Share a proof within Adobe Workfront.

    • Automated: Select this option to manage content review and approval when you have complex review processes, or if you send content for review to the same groups of people regularly. With an automated workflow, the proof moves from stage to stage until final approval. The relevant users are notified any time that they are required to make an approval.

      For more information about creating an Automated Workflow, see Set up a proof with an Automated Workflow in Workfront Proof.

  7. Select whether to send email notifications and a custom message to the users you selected in the previous step:

    • Notify recipients about this proof: Select this option to send an email notification to users. When Basic sharing is selected in the Workflow section, an email notification sends when the proof is created. When Automated workflow is selected in the Workflow section, an email notification sends when the proof enters the stage of the automated workflow that the user is associated with.

    • Add custom message: Select this option to include a custom message in the notification. You can specify a subject and message body. The message body can include rich text formatting, such as bold, bullets, and hyperlinks.

  8. Select any of the following proof settings:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Require login - proof can only be shared with other users

    Require login - proof can only be shared with other users:  When this option is selected, only Workfront Proof users are able to view the proof.

    This option is disabled by default; any person with the URL is able to view the proof.

    When this option is selected:

    • Users cannot sign in to the proof unless they have been added to the proof.
    • Subscriptions cannot be enabled.
    Only one decision is required for this proof

    When this option is selected, the review is completed after one of the decision makers makes their decision.

    This option is disabled by default.

    Require decisions to be electronically signed Users are required to specify their user name and password at the time that they make a decision on a proof.
    Lock proof when all required decisions are made

    When this setting is enabled, the proof state is locked after all decisions have been made. The state is automatically changed from unlocked to locked when the final approver makes their decision.

    This option is disabled by default.

    Download original file

    When this option is selected, reviewers are able to download the original file from which the proof was created.

    When this option is deselected, the Download icon is no longer visible.
    This option is enabled by default.

    Share proof via a public URL or embed code When this option is selected, the proof can be shared via a public URL or embed code.
    Subscribe to proof via a public URL or embed code

    When this option is selected, people who have not been added explicitly to the proof can subscribe to the proof. The person subscribing to the proof is granted the role and email that you define in the following settings:

    • Subscriber role: The default proof role that is assigned to all reviewers that subscribe to the proof.

    • Email alert settings for subscribers: The default email alert that is assigned to all reviewers that subscribe to the proof.

    • Proof access via email link required for: Configure whether the subscriber receives an email with a link to the proof. You can select No email (email link is not required to access the proof), Proof notification email only (the subscriber receives a link to the proof via email without any verification), or Validation and proof notification emails (Subscriber receives a link to the proof via email and must click the link to access a proof; the purpose of this option is to ensure that the person has entered a correct email address to which they have access).

      Note: If the proofs have Automated Workflow attached all subscriptions will generate confirmation emails to the proof Owner, so they could decide which stage the person should be added to.

  9. Click Create Proof.

    Workfront begins generating a proof of the selected documents or websites. Depending on the file size and type, the lag time on a document upload varies. Be patient as bigger files take longer to generate. You can navigate away from the page and Workfront continues to generate your file. The maximum file upload size is 4GB.

    After the proof is generated, click Go to proof to launch the proofing tool.


    The document appears in the proofing tool.

    Users who do not have proofing enabled on their account are still able to view the document and make comments to the proof.

Generate a proof for a URL generate-a-proof-for-a-url

You can generate a proof for a URL for the first time. Or, you can generate a new version of a URL proof where a proof has previously been generated.

You can generate an interactive proof for a URL only if your Workfront environment is integrated with a Workfront Proof Premium account. If you cannot use proofing as discussed in this section, contact your system administrator.

To generate a proof for a URL:

  1. Do any of the following to begin creating a new proof and display the New Proof page:

    • Click the green New proof button in the upper-left corner of any page.

    • In the Dashboard area, in the Overview tab, click the New proof link.

    • Submit via Dropzone (Enterprise feature).

  2. (Conditional) In the New proof page that appears, to create a new version of an existing proof:

    1. Select the URL proof where you want to add a new version.

    2. Click the New Version button at the top of the page.


  3. In the New proof version page that displays, specify the URL of the website you want to proof in the Add Files area, then press Enter.

  4. (Optional) Repeat this process to add multiple websites to proof.


  5. Click the website in the document list in the Add Files area.


  6. Specify a Proof name for the proof.

    By default, the proof name is the same as the site URL.

  7. Select Handle site contents options:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Capture screenshot Creates a proof of a static image of the URL's front page.

    Creates a proof that allows reviewers to navigate the site, view HTML5 images, Flash elements, and so forth.

    To create an interactive proof, the website must be hosted with a secure protocol (https). In addition, websites that cannot be embedded in an iframe cannot be generated as an interactive proof (iframe embedding restrictions are controlled by the website you are attempting to embed).

    After the initial proof is created, this setting cannot be changed when creating subsequent versions.

    For more information about interactive proofing, see Generate a proof for interactive content.

    Screenshot resolution

    (This option is not available for interactive proofs.) You can adjust the resolution that your content is displayed in, or you can select multiple resolutions.

    This enables users reviewing the proof to view how content will appear on different devices, such as various sizes of phones, tablets, and monitors.

    If you select multiple resolutions, a separate proof is created for each resolution you select.

    When users comment on the proof, the current screen resolution is automatically displayed in the comment to ensure other users are aware what resolution the comment is associated with.

    Look for subpages (This option is not available for interactive proofs.) Select this option to navigate through pages of the website. You can expand the website up to 2 levels deep from the main page. Mouse over a page to view the URL of the page. Select only those pages that you want to proof. Each page you select is created as an individual proof by default; or, enable the  Combine into single proof option to combine all selected pages into a single proof.
  8. (Optional) Configure any advanced proofing options, such as sharing the proof, adding an Automated Workflow, or setting up access and subscription settings. For more details about these options, see the following articles:

  9. Click Done.

    If you are adding a new version to an existing URL proof, any options that were configured on the original proof or previous version are maintained in this version. If you are adding a new version to an existing URL proof, any options that were configured on the original proof or previous version are maintained in this version.

  10. Click Create Proof.

Generate a proof for interactive content generate-a-proof-for-interactive-content

A Pro Workfront Plan or higher is required to use this feature. For more information about the various plans available, see Workfront Plans.

For more information about Interactive content, see Interactive content proofs overview.

Add interactive content as a URL add-interactive-content-as-a-url

For information about how to add an interactive URL proof, see Generate a proof for a URL.

Add interactive content as a ZIP file add-interactive-content-as-a-zip-file

  1. Prepare your content by creating a .zip bundled file.

    For information about .zip bundled file specifications, see About preparing interactive content in a ZIP file for proofing in the article Interactive content proofs overview.

  2. Do any of the following to begin creating a new proof and display the New Proof page:

    • Click the green New proof button in the upper-left corner of any page.

    • In the Dashboard area, in the Overview tab, click the New proof link.

    • Submit via Dropzone (Enterprise feature).

  3. In the New proof page that appears, drag and drop your interactive .zip bundle into the Add files area.

  4. (Optional) Configure any advanced proofing options, such as sharing the proof, adding an automated workflow, or setting up access and subscription settings. For more details about these options, see the following articles:

  5. Click Create Proof.

    Workfront begins generating a proof of the .zip bundle. Depending on the bundle size, the lag time on a document upload varies. Larger files take longer to generate. You can navigate away from the page and Workfront continues to generate your file. The maximum file upload size is 4GB.

    After the proof generates, you can click the Go to proof button that appears to open the proof.
