Require time to be approved for a project

To require project manager approval for hours on the project:

  1. Go to the project where you want to require approval for hours.

  2. Click the More icon to the right of the project name, then click Edit.
    The Edit Project dialog box displays.

  3. In the Project Settings section, select Require time to be approved for this project.

  4. Click Save.
    Now when time is logged and approved, those hours become locked and cannot be altered by the user who entered them on the project or the timesheet. Only a Workfront administrator can adjust the time recorded.

Approve and reject time on a project

As a project manager, you can approve or reject hours that are logged for tasks, issues, or the project.

Approving the hours at the project level does not have any impact on the timesheet of any of the users who logged the hours. For example, the hours in the project may be approved by the project manager, but the timesheet is still yet to be approved by the manager of the user or the timesheet approver.

If you set up a project to require approval on the hours logged, the project manager must approve the hours in order for them to be available to be included in a billing record for the project. For more information about creating billing records, see the article Create billing records.

To approve or reject hours on a project:

  1. Go to the project.

  2. Click the Hours area in the left panel. This might be located under the Show More area.

  3. The hours logged for issues, tasks, and the project display and should have a status of Submitted.
    Click the box to the left of the hour entries to select the hours you want to approve.

  4. Click the Approve icon at the top of the hour list.
    The status of the hours changes to Approved.
    If you later reject the approved hours, the status of the hours changes to Not Approved.
    When you include the approved hours in a billing record, the status of the hours changes to Billed and Approved. Hours added to a billing record cannot be deleted. For more information about creating billing records, see the article Create billing records

  5. (Optional) Click Reject icon to reject the time entries on the project.
    The status of the hours changes to Rejected.

    If the hours you select are included in a Billing Record that has been marked as Billed or Billed and Approved, the Approve and Reject icons do not display. You can only approve hours that are not already billed in a Billing Record.
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