Working with Freelancers in Workfront Proof

This article refers to functionality in the standalone product Workfront Proof. For information on proofing inside Adobe Workfront, see Proofing.

If your organization works with freelancers, you can include them in your Workfront Proof process as well.

There are a few ways to do this depending on whether you want the freelancer to be part of your organization in Workfront Proof or not:

Add Freelancers to Your Workfront Proof Account

You can simply add your freelancers as users to your account in Workfront Proof, just like you would your colleagues, then they can be part of all of the workflows described in this section.

You can use the various user profiles, as well as folder privacy rule, to manage your Freelancer’s visibility and access in your account.

See the articles User Profiles and Permissions and Understand Folder Permissions in Workfront Proof before you add a freelancer as a user to your account.

For information about adding a freelancer to your team, see Create Users using Workfront Proof.

Any freelancers added to your account as users will have visibility into your account and may also be able to see client details (depending on their user profile). This may not be what you want, so perhaps setting up a Satellite account for your freelancers would be a more suitable option; see Set Up a Satellite Account for Your Freelancers below.

Set Up a Satellite Account for Your Freelancers

If you don’t want clients and freelancers to see each other in Workfront Proof, you can set up satellite accounts for your freelancers.

This means that they will have their own dashboard to view all the items they are working on in one place. Further, they will be able to send files to you via Workfront Proof, which you can convert to proofs (Enterprise and Unlimited plans only). For more information, see Manage Files in Workfront Proof.

It also means that if the freelancer needs to create new versions of the proof during the review process, you can add them explicitly to the proof as an Author, which will allow them to participate in the review process and create new versions as and when required. For more information, see and Manage Proof Roles in Workfront Proof.


  1. The freelancer logs into their satellite account.

  2. The freelancer uploads the file and shares it with you. See Upload Files and Web Content to Workfront Proof and Share Files in Workfront Proof.

  3. You receive an email telling you that a file has been shared with you.

  4. You log in to your account and find the file that has been shared with you.

  5. You use the convert to proof button to convert the file to a proof. For more information, see Manage Files in Workfront Proof.

  6. You then manage the proof workflow with your clients in the normal way. If you want to add your Freelancer explicitly to the proof, you can do so using the share function. For more information, see Share a Proof in Workfront Proof.

  7. If you don’t want to add your Freelancer explicitly to the proof, but you do want to notify them when it’s been approved; you can notify your freelancer at the end of the proof process by sharing a link to the proof with them.

    This means that they are not part of the review team and your clients don’t see their name listed on the proof.

For information about setting up a satellite account for your freelancers, see Configure a satellite account in Workfront Proof.

Use the Dropzone

This option is useful if you don’t want clients and freelancers to see each other in Workfront Proof. You can give your freelancers access to your Dropzone (available on Enterprise and Unlimited plans only). For more information, see The Dropzone.


  1. The freelancer goes to your public Dropzone page.
  2. They use the Dropzone to create a new proof in your account.
  3. You receive an email telling you that a new proof is in your Dropzone.
  4. You login to your account and find the proof in your Dropzone.
  5. You unlock the proof, add reviewers, set the proof settings and manage the proof workflow with your clients in the normal way. Your freelancer will be shown as the Creator of the proof (and will not be able to be removed).