Manage in-app notifications when someone tags you in a comment

  1. (Conditional) After someone tags you in a comment on a record, go to the in-app Notifications icon in Adobe Experience Cloud.

  2. Click the notification.

    The record details page opens in Workfront Planning. You can make updates to the record, or reply to the comment.

  3. (Optional) Click Mark all as read to indicate that you have read all notifications.

  4. (Optional) Click View all to go to the Notifications page in Adobe Experience Cloud.

Manage in-app notifications when requesting and granting permissions

You receive in-app notifications when someone requests or grants you permissions to a view or a workspace.

For information about requesting, granting, or denying permissions to a view or a workspace, see Request permissions to a view or a workspace.

For information about managing your Workfront Planning notifications, see Manage Adobe Workfront Planning notification preferences.

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