Adobe Workfront portfolio methodology

In Workfront, you can add projects to portfolios to create and organize your portfolios.

We recommend that you follow these steps for an efficient organization of your portfolios:

  1. Create a Business Case for a project and associate the project with a Portfolio.

    To create efficient portfolios that bring value to your organization, you must start with a Project Request where you define the Business Case for each project which is later added to the portfolio.

    The Business Case contains the following information:

    • General information about the project (description, Portfolio and Program assignments, Project Owner and Sponsor)
    • The goals or objectives of the project
    • Estimated expense costs
    • Resource budgets for labor costs
    • An alignment score
    • A risk assessment

    For more information about the Business Case, see Create a Business Case for a project.

    You can associate the project with a portfolio while building its business case. You must create a portfolio before you can associate it with a project. For information, see Create a portfolio

    The details you collect during building a business case are used in the portfolio optimizer and the resource planner to assist management in project selection.

  2. Associate Resource Pools with projects as you build their Business Case.

    Portfolios are usually configured to correspond with Resource Pools. The Programs in a Portfolio also align with a Resource Pool. This correlation helps to ensure all resource planning fits within the purpose of the Portfolio, as the projects within the same Portfolio usually compete for the same resources.

    For more information, see Create resource pools.

  3. Get the Business Case approved by your Portfolio Manager.

    For information, see Approve a Business Case.

  4. Manage the performance of your projects within the portfolio in the Portfolio Optimizer.

    Portfolio Managers can track financial performance inside the portfolio using the Portfolio dashboard. This dashboard is displayed in the header of the Portfolio.

    For information about the financial fields of a Portfolio, see the Understanding the Financial Fields in the Portfolio Optimizer section in Portfolio Optimizer overview.

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