Sharing an Individual Folder

  1. Click the Folders tab in the left navigation sidebar.

  2. Hover over an individual folder you want to share, then click the More button that appears to the right of the folder.

  3. Click Share folder.

  4. On the page that appears, do any of the following:

    • Add users to the folder by typing in their email address (1).
    • If you are sharing a private folder with a Manager, you can decide if you want them to be able to create, edit, and delete folder items by clicking an option under Allow on folder.
    • If you change your mind, you can remove a user by hovering over the person’s email address and clicking Remove person (the trash can icon that appears to the far right). You can remove all of the people you just added by hovering over their names, then clicking Remove all people (the top trash icon).
  5. When you are ready, click Share folder.

  6. If you share the folder with a group or partner, all contacts in that group or partner organization appear in the share section of the page.

Sharing Multiple Folders

  1. Click the Folders tab in the left navigation sidebar.

  2. Click the name of the the folder containing the folders you want to share.

  3. In the list of folders that appears to the right, click the checkbox to the left of each folder you want to share.
    Click the checkbox above the list of folders to select all folders in the list.

  4. Click Share selected items.

  5. On the page that appears, do any of the following:

    • Add users to the folder by typing in their email address.
    • If you are sharing a private folder with a Manager, you can decide if you want them to be able to create, edit, and delete folder items by clicking an option under Allow on folder.
    • If you change your mind, you can remove a user by hovering over the person’s email address and clicking Remove person (the trash can icon that appears to the far right). You can remove all of the people you just added by hovering over their names, then clicking Remove all people (the top trash icon).
  6. When you are ready, click Share folder.

Accessing a Folder That’s Been Shared With You

When someone shares a folder with you, it appears in the sidebar of their Workfront Proof account under the name of the owner of the folder. You receive an email containing folder details and a personal link to the folder.

  1. Click the link in the notification email you receive.
  2. Log in to Workfront Proof.
    Workfront Proof displays the Folder details page. For more information, see Manage Folders and their Contents in Workfront Proof.

About Sharing Sub Folders

If a parent folder which contains subfolders is shared and subsequently a subfolder is moved out from under the parent folder (for example, to top level), the original share will not be maintained on the subfolder. This is because the subfolder itself was not explicitly shared, the parent folder was. Therefore, in this case, if you would like the subfolder to be shared with the original recipients you should share the subfolder again with those recipients.

If a private parent folder is shared with a Manager and edit rights on the folder are given to this user, this setting is inherited by all subfolders in the private folder.

About Sub Folders That Are Shared with You

When a sub-folder has been shared with someone, it appears in the sidebar of your Workfront Proof account under the name of the owner of the folder.

If the parent folder, or items from it, have already been shared with the same person, the sub-folder will automatically appear under the parent folder in the sidebar and within the parent folder’s details page.

About Sharing a Folder with a Company

To share a folder with a partner organization, there must be an existing partner relationship set up between your account and theirs.

Sharing a folder with a partner means:

  • All users in that organization will have Read Only access to the folder (and folder items).
  • Any new users added to the organization will automatically have Read Only access to the folder (and all items in the folder).
Previous pageManage Folders and their Contents in Workfront Proof
Next pageUnderstand Folder Permissions in Workfront Proof


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