Adding Existing Items to a Folder

You can add an existing file or proof to a folder.

For more information, see Manage Files in Workfront Proof or Manage Proof Details in Workfront Proof.

  1. (Conditional) Do one of the following:

  2. Click the name of the Folder where the file or proof is located, then click the name of the folder where you want to move it.

Moving Items Out of a Folder

  1. (Conditional) Do one of the following:

  2. Click the name of the Folder where the file or proof is located, then click Move to > (No folder selected).

Managing A Folder and Its Items on the Folder Details Page

You can easily manage your files from the Folder details page.

If you are not the creator or owner of the file, the options available will depend on your user Proof Permissions Profiles in Workfront Proof.
  1. On the Folders tab in the left navigation menu, click any folder to open the Folder details page.

  2. If the folder contains only archived proofs, a message displays in yellow at the top of the page. If you click the link in the message, the folder view changes to the Archived proofs view.

  3. Click Folder details, then do any of the following with the folder using the options that appear:

    • Add or change the thumbnail image for the folder.

    • View or edit the Description, Parent folder, Owner, Client, or Project associated with the folder.

    • Make the folder Private.

    • See when the folder was Created.

    • See the name of the folder’s Creator.

  4. (Optional)To change information associated with an item in the folder, click the More icon to the right of the item, then use any of the options that appear.
    More menu
    The options that appear depend on whether the item is a proof or a file.

    • View proof details or View file details: Opens the Proof details or File details page. For more information, see Manage Files in Workfront Proof or Manage Proof Details in Workfront Proof.

    • Share: Lets you share the file with additional people. For more information, see Share Files in Workfront Proof.

    • Message: Send an email to the people with whom the proof has been shared.

    • New Version: Create a new version of the proof.

    • Copy: Copy the proof with any proofing comments as a new version of an existing proof or as a new proof.

    • Download original: Lets you download the original file. For more information, see Download Files Stored in Workfront Proof.

    • Delegate ownership: Delegate ownership of the proof to another user.

    • Share proof links: Send an email containing a link to the proof.

    • Print comments: Print the comments reviewers have made on the proof.

    • Excel summary: Create an Excel file containing the print summary for the proof.

    • Lock: Lock the proof so no other users can open it.

    • Delete: Deletes the file from Workfront Proof.

  5. (Optional) In the Shared with section, to send a reminder to a reviewer on the proof, click the More icon to the right of the user’s name, then click Message.
    You can click Remove to unshare the folder with the person.
    Owners and creators of folders always appear on this list and are not be removable. If a user takes over the ownership of a folder, they automatically appear and are not be removable.
    You can share a folder with individual users and Partner companies. If the folder is shared with a Partner company, you can see the full list of recipients by clicking the information icon which appears when hovering over the row. For more information, see Partner Accounts.

  6. (Optional) Edit the Manager’s permissions on private folders by clicking on that person’s line under Allow on folder, then specifying if you want the person to be able to create, edit and delete items from that folder. NOTE This option is available only for Managers from the same account as the folder owner who are added to private folders. Supervisors, Administrators and Billing Administrators have edit rights over all folders in the account and Observers cannot create any items. For information about permissions, see the Proof Permissions Profiles in Workfront Proof.

  7. (Optional) Click Activity to view all actions performed in the folder in chronological order.

  8. (Optional) Click Messages section to view the messages that have been sent to users on the folder.
    When you hover over a message, you can click the i icon to the right to view the full message.
    A pop up with the full email displays:
    Message popup

Managing Sub-Folders

You can manage the sub-folders from the Folders detail page.

  1. On the Folders tab in the left navigation menu, click the name of the parent folder that contains the sub-folder to open the Folder details page.

  2. Click the More menu to the right of the sub-folder.

  3. Click any of the following:

    • View folder details: Opens the Folder details page.
    • New proof: Lets you add a new proof to the sub-folder.
    • Upload file: Lets you upload a file to the sub-folder.
    • New sub-folder: Creates a new sub-folder inside the sub-folder.
    • Share: Lets you share the sub-folder with other users.
    • Excel summary: Lets you request an Excel summary of the sub-folder.
    • Delete: Lets you delete the sub-folder.
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