Object lists

Below are some types of object lists that you can find in Workfront and some of the areas where they display by default when you have rights to view an object.

  • This list is not comprehensive. Each of these object lists can also appear on a report or a dashboard. For example, a Project report or a dashboard that contains a Project report also displays a list of projects.
  • In this list, “select” means that you need to click the name of the item, not the checkbox to the left of the name.
Workfront listLocation of object list
List of portfolios
  • Portfolios
List of programs
  • Portfolios >select a portfolio >Programs

  • Programs

List of projects
  • Projects

  • Portfolios >select a portfolio >Projects

  • Portfolios >select a portfolio >Programs >select a program >Projects

List of tasks
  • Projects >select a project > Tasks

  • Projects >select a project >Tasks >select a task >Subtasks

  • Projects >select a project >Tasks >select a task


List of issues
  • Projects > select a project >Issues

  • Projects >select a project >Tasks >select a task > Issues

  • Projects >select a project >Tasks >select a task >Subtasks

    select a task > Issues

List of reports
  • Reports
List of dashboards
  • Dashboards
List of iterations
  • Teams > Iterations
List of users
  • Users
List of documents
  • Documents

  • Portfolios >select a portfolio > Documents

  • Portfolios > select a portfolio >Programs >select a program >Documents

  • Projects >select a project >Documents

  • Projects >select a project >Tasks >select a task > Documents

  • Projects > select a project > Issues >select an issue


List of timesheets
  • Timesheet s > All Timesheets*
List of billing rates
  • Projects >select a project >Billing Rates*
List of billing records
  • Projects > select a project > Billing Records
List of risks
  • Projects >select a project >Risks
List of expenses
  • Projects >select a project >Expenses

  • Projects > select a project >Tasks >select a task >Expenses

List of hour entries
  • Projects >select a project

  • Projects >select a project >Tasks >select a task >Hours

  • Projects >select a project >Issues >select an issue >Hours

List of custom forms
  • Setup >Custom Forms
List of groups or subgroups
  • Setup >Groups

  • Setup >Groups >select the parent group >Subgroups

List of teams
  • Setup >Teams
List of companies
  • Setup >Companies
List of schedules
  • Setup >Schedules
List of layout templates
  • Setup >Layout Templates

You cannot customize the list on the specified area. A Workfront administrator can build a customized list at the system level, or you can build a report for this object if your access level allows you have access to edit reports.

List elements

A list contains certain elements that define its format and the information that displays. You can find several system list elements that are available by default. You can also create custom elements to meet your needs.

When you select a new filter, view or grouping from a list, that selection is retained even if you log out of Workfront or close your browser.

The following are the elements of a list:


Filters keep unnecessary information out of a list, based on the criteria that you specify.

For more information, see Filters overview.


Views define which fields (columns) you display on the screen.

For more information, see Views overview in Adobe Workfront.


Groupings separate the objects on the list in areas based on the criteria that you specify.

For example, the issues in a list can display in sections by status or priority.

You can have up to three layers of groupings in a standard grouping, and you can add a fourth layer if you are configuring a grouping in text mode.

For more information about groupings, see Groupings overview in Adobe Workfront.

For more information about text mode, see Text Mode overview.

These elements display at the top of every list by default. They are sticky and do not move as you scroll through the list. Mouse over the icon for each element to identify them.

List elements

You can can customize list elements in the following areas and share them with other users:

The building elements for lists are the same as the building elements for reports.

For more information about creating and customizing the building elements of lists and reports, see Reporting elements: filters, views, and groupings.

List actions

You can complete the following actions in a list:

Inline edit

Edit objects and their information directly in the list.

For more information, see Inline edit items in a list in Adobe Workfront.


Inline editing is not possible in a grouping.

Update with the Summary

Update tasks and issues at the project level using the Summary panel.


The Summary is not available for all objects and it is not available in Task or Issue reports.

For more information, see Summary overview.

Customize list display

Customize the look and feel of a list, column arrangement, sorting order of items, or number of items that display.


Changes you make to the number of items to display on a page are reverted when you log out of Workfront or close your browser. Changes might also be reverted after a period of 8 hours.

For more information, see Modify how a list displays.

Quick filter

Apply a quick filter to find only items that are important to you so that you can quickly review, update, or share them with others.


You can find items that contain a search word using the quick filter, whether that item is visible on your screen or will display after you scroll to the bottom of the page. When you use your browser's search capabilities, you can find only items that are already visible on the screen. If your list has multiple pages, quick filters find only the items on the current page.

For more information, see Apply the quick filter to a list.


Export a list of objects from Workfront. When a list contains more than 2000 items, exporting the list is the only way to review all of the items on one page.

For more information about exporting a list, see Export a list. For more information about export formats and limits, see Export data.

List toolbar

The following table lists many of the icons available in the toolbar and indicates what happens when you click them:

IconDescriptionOn click
Add item or userOpen more options including adding a new item or user.
Insert task above

Insert a task above the selected task.

This is available only for tasks.

Insert task below

Insert a task below the selected task.

This is available only for tasks.

EditEdit the selected item.
CopyCopy the selected item.
DeleteDelete the selected item.
Add to

Open the dialog box to add the selected issue to an iteration.

This is available only for issues.

ShareShare the selected item.
Indent and outdent tasks

Indent or outdent the selected task.

This is available only for tasks.

MoreOpen additional options for the selected item.
Quick filterOpen the quick filter search box for finding items in the displayed list.
ExportExport the list to PDF, Excel, or tab-delimited files.
Agile ViewDisplay the list in the Agile view.
This is available only for tasks.
Gantt Chart

Display the list in the Gantt Chart view.

This is available only for projects and tasks.

Filter drop-down menu

Display a list of filters and additional options to manage filters, including creating one.

On a small screen, the Filter name is replaced by the filter icon. A blue dot displays on the Filter icon when you apply any filter other than "All."

View drop-down menu

Display a list of views and additional options to manage views, including creating one.

On a small screen, the View name is replaced by the view icon. A blue dot displays on the View icon when you apply any view other than "Standard."

Grouping drop-down menu

Display a list of groupings and additional options to manage groupings, including creating one.

On a small screen, the Grouping name is replaced by the grouping icon. A blue dot displays on the Grouping icon when you apply any grouping other than "Nothing."

Plan mode

Choose whether you want to save the changes you make in a task list automatically or manually.

For information about editing tasks in a list, see Edit tasks in a list.

This is available only for tasks.


Display or hide the Summary box for the selected item.

This is available only for tasks and issues.

For information about the Summary panel, see Summary overview.

RemoveRemove something from the list. For example, as a group administrator managing group or subgroup memberships, remove a group member as explained in View and manage a group's memberships.
Comment /UpdateType a comment or update.

The difference between lists and reports

Both lists and reports are grids that contain information about a type of object.

The following table outlines the similarities and differences between lists and reports:

Anyone can create them✓*
Only a Workfront administrator and users with a Plan license can create them✓**
A default set is available from Workfront
Customizable in standard mode
Customizable in text mode
You can share them with other users
You can share them system wide
You can share them outside of the system
You can export to .pdf, Excel, and Tab Delimited formats
You can schedule them for delivery in an email
You can add to a Layout Template
You can add them to custom sections
You can add them to a dashboard✓***
You can use prompts to customize what they display
You can display them in a chart
You can inline edit objects in them

You must have access to filters, views, and groupings to be able to create them. For more information, see Grant access to filters, views, and groupings.

You must have access to filters, views, and groupings as well as reports, dashboards, and calendars to be able to create them. For more information, see Grant access to reports, dashboards, and calendars.

You can customize lists for reports that are placed on a dashboard only if the creator of the report has configured the list elements to be visible on the dashboard.

You cannot add a list to a dashboard without creating a report and adding it to the dashboard first.

For more information about building a report, see Create a custom report. For information about creating custom sections , see Create custom tabs or sections.

The difference between the updated and the legacy lists

There are two types of lists in Workfront:

  • Legacy lists

    Blue groupings

  • Updated lists

    Gray groupings

The following table shows some of the differences between the legacy and updated lists in Workfront:

Legacy listsUpdated lists
Display 100 items by defaultDisplay All or up to 2000 items by default
Use CTRL+F to find items in a list

Use quick filters to quickly find information in a large list

For information about using quick filters in lists, see Apply the quick filter to a list.

You can't inline edit custom fields with rich text formatting.

Text in custom fields with formatting can be configured to allow bold, italics, underline, bullets, numbering, hyperlinks, and block quotes.

For more information, see Create a custom form.

Conditional formatting can change the text color of links in a listCannot apply text color changes to links in a list
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