Request access to a plan in the Scenario Planner

You can request access to a plan in the Adobe Workfront Scenario Planner when the link to the plan is shared with you.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.
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Adobe Workfront plan*
  • New: Ultimate

  • The Scenario Planner is not available for the new Workfront Select or Workfront Prime plans.

    Current: Business or higher

Adobe Workfront license*

New: Light or higher

Current: Review or higher

  • For the new Workfront plans:

    Adobe Workfront

  • For the current Workfront plans:

    Adobe Workfront

    Adobe Workfront Scenario Planner

For more information, see Access needed to use the Scenario Planner.

Access level View or higher access to the Scenario Planner

*For information, see Access requirements to Workfront documentation.


Before you can request access to a plan in the Scenario Planner, you must have the following:

  • A link to the plan.
If you do not have access level rights to the Scenario Planner and you try to access a plan from a link, you cannot request access to the plan. Instead, a screen displays informing you to contact the Workfront administrator.

Request access for plans in the Workfront Scenario Planner

If you do not already have permissions to a plan and you navigate to it from a link shared with you, a screen displays to inform you that you do not have permissions to view the plan. You are prompted to request permissions from the plan creator.

You can only request permissions from the owner or creator of a plan. You cannot request permissions from other users who also have access to the plan.

To request permissions:

  1. Click a link to a plan.

    Request access to plan

  2. In the Request access to drop-down menu, indicate what level of permissions you wish to be granted. Select from the following:

    • View
    • Manage

    You cannot request a permission that is higher than your access level to the Scenario Planner. For example, you cannot request Manage permissions if you have View access to the Scenario Planner.

    For information about the different levels of permissions, see Share a plan in the Scenario Planner.

    For information on a Workfront administrator can manage access to the Scenario Planner, see Grant access to Scenario Planner.

  3. (Optional) Enter a comment or request in the Leave comment box, then click Request access.

    The following happens:

    • Workfront sends an email notification to the plan owner where they can grant the permissions requested.
      Request access email notification

    • After the plan owner grants the permissions requested, you receive an email that the permissions have been granted if your Workfront administrator has the Object share to user notification enabled in your system and you enable the Someone shares an object with me email notification in your profile.

      Access granted email

    • You can also grant permissions to plans from the Home area and from the Workfront mobile app.

    For information about enabling system notifications, see Configure event notifications for everyone in the system.

    For information about enabling notifications in your profile, see Notifications: Miscellaneous information.
