Access needed to view plans and initiatives

In addition to your company acquiring the correct license for the Workfront Scenario Planner, your Workfront administrator must also assign you the following access and setup so you can view the Workfront Scenario Planner and the information in this area:

  • An access level with at least View access to Scenario Planner.

    For information about the access level to Scenario Planner, see Grant access to Scenario Planner.

  • An access level with at least View access to Financial Data if you need to also view financial information about the plan and the initiatives. Some examples of financial information are budgets, costs, or job role rates.

    For information about the Financial Data access level, see Grant access to financial data.

    Requestors and External Users do not have access to view the Scenario Planner.
  • View permissions to the plan. For information about the permissions needed to access plans and initiatives that you didn’t create, see the Permissions needed to access plans and initiatives section in this article.

Access needed to manage plans and initiatives

Your Workfront administrator must assign you the following access so you can manage plans and their information in the Scenario Planner:

  • A Plan or Work license type with Edit access to the Scenario Planner in your access level.

    All other license types do not have access to manage plans.

    For information about granting access to Scenario Planner from the Access Level, see Grant access to Scenario Planner.

  • A Plan license type with Edit access to Financial Data in your access level, if you need to also update financial information about the plan.

    Some examples of financial information that you can edit are Budget, Planned Benefit, and Fixed Costs.

    Only Plan license holders have Edit access to Financial Data.

    For information about the Financial Data access level, see Grant access to financial data.

  • Manage permissions to a plan that you didn’t create. For information about the permissions needed to access plans and initiatives that you didn’t create, see the Permissions needed to access plans and initiatives section in this article.

Permissions needed to access plans and initiatives

Access Levels work together with permissions in Workfront to give you visibility into plans and initiatives that you did not create. In addition to having the correct access level to access the Scenario Planner, you must also have the correct permissions to the plan that you want to view or manage, if you are not the creator of those plans.

All users, including system administrators, have access only to plans that they created.

To view plans that other users created they must share their plans with you in the following ways:

When a user is deactivated, their plans have no owner and cannot be accessed unless previously shared with a link.
Previous pageThe Scenario Planner overview
Next pageCopy initiatives in the Scenario Planner


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