20.4 Proof enhancements

This page describes all proof enhancements made with the 20.4 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment the week of November 9, 2020.

For a list of all changes available with the 20.4 release, see 20.4 release overview.

Carry over the existing proof workflow when generating a new version

This feature was removed from Production for the 20.4 release. It will be released to Production at a future time.

Now, the existing proof workflow carries over to any new versions you create, no matter the method in which they are generated.

Previously, there was a slight difference in how the proof workflow was carried over depending on where you generated them in Workfront.

For more information, see Create a new version of a proof.

Document approval buttons available in the Proofing Viewer

To align with the proofing experience in Classic, the document approval buttons are now available in the Proofing Viewer in the new Adobe Workfront experience.

Previously, you could approve a document only from the Document Details area.

For more information, see Make a decision on a proof in the proofing viewer.

Auto-generate a proof when uploading a document setting disabled by default

The option in the user profile to automatically generate proofs when uploading documents is now disabled by default for new proofing users. This change does not affect current users. If you have this setting enabled, it will remain so.

Previously, this setting was enabled for new users by default.

For more information on how this setting works, see Configure My Settings.
