Configure My Settings

Your Adobe Workfront profile contains information about yourself (for example, your name, email address, address, phone number, title, etc). It also contains information about your interactions with Workfront and other users in your company (for example, your notifications settings, the tabs you want to display in Workfront, or your job role, manager and group and team memberships).

Most of this information has already been set by your Workfront administrator when your Workfront account was created.

Depending on what access level you have in Workfront, you can edit some of this information by configuring your My Settings area.

How access levels affect editing the My Settings area

Depending on what access level you have, you may or may not be able to edit sections in your My Settings area.

Some fields contained in editable sections cannot be edited, depending on other settings that might or might not be configured in your access level. For more information on additional access needed for editing some of the fields you find in My Settings, see the sections in Configuring the My Settings area.

To find out what access level you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

The following grid shows what sections in the My Settings area are visible or editable depending on your access level:

My Settings Areas
Visible or Editable
System Administrator
Standard or Planner
Light or Reviewer
Contributor or Requestor
Personal Info
Resource Planning
Custom Forms

Configuring the My Settings area

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, then click your user name next to your profile picture. Or (if available), click your profile picture in the top navigation area, then click Workfront Profile.

  2. Click the More menu next to your name More menu , then click Edit.

  3. Depending on your access level, you can update the following sections:

  4. Click Save.

Personal Info

This section includes the following sub-sections:

Basic info

This information should already be configured by your Workfront administrator. All the fields in this sub-section are required fields.

You can change any of the following in this sub-section:

First Name
Update your first name. This is a required field.
Last Name
Update your last name. This is a required field.
Email Address
Update your email address. This is a required field. Keep in mind that your email address is also your username for Workfront.
Reset password
Reset your password in this section. For more information about resetting your password, see Reset your password.
(Conditional) <SSO Configuration> Username
If your Workfront administrator enabled an SSO integration with Workfront, your SSO Username displays in this field. The type of SSO configuration enabled for your Workfront instance is visible in this field.
(Conditional) Only Allow <SSO Configuration> Authentication

If your Workfront administrator enabled an SSO integration with Workfront and has updated users for SSO, this field is selected by default. The type of SSO configuration enabled for your Workfront instance is visible in this field.

When this field is selected, you are required you to log into Workfront with your SSO credentials. Unchecking it will allow you to log in to Workfront with your Workfront credentials.

For more information about configuring Workfront with an SSO solution, see Single sign-on in Workfront: article index. For more information about updating users for SSO, see Update users for single sign-on.

Job info

You can change any of the following in this sub-section:

Specify your title. This is not the same as your job role. Your title is not part of resource scheduling, whereas your job role is. Your title displays in the Workfront interface everywhere your name and your avatar display. It is visible to everyone who has access to see your user profile.
Talk to Me About
Specify your professional interests in this field.

Contact info

You can change any of the following in this sub-section:

Phone Number
Mobile Number
Postal Code
Profile Picture
Your profile picture becomes your avatar and it is visible throughout the Workfront system, wherever your name is displayed.


Specify what you want to display in your Workfront interface in this section.

Users with a Contributor or Requestor license do not have any other left panel items available to add to their Main Menu, outside of the Requests area. A Workfront administrator can assign users with a Contributor or Requestor license to a layout template that includes all the other areas in the Main Menu. After that, they can select the areas to display in their Main Menu by editing their user profile.

You can change any of the following in this sub-section:

Time Zone

Specify your time zone. This controls the time shown in your outgoing email messages.

The time zone also affects what displays in a PTO calendar report.

Email Locale

Specify your preferred language here. This controls the language, date, and number format used in outgoing email messages.

NOTE: When your organization is on the Adobe Unified Experience, language preferences are stored in your Adobe profile and the email locale is not used. For more information, see Change the Adobe Experience Cloud language in the article Supported languages in Adobe Workfront.

Send work assigned to myself to my Working On tab
This field refers to a deprecated feature that has been removed from Workfront.
(Conditional) Automatically generate proofs when uploading documents

Select this field to start generating a proof immediately after the document is loaded into Workfront. This field is disabled by default and can be updated only by a Workfront administrator.
This field is available only if your company has purchased the Workfront Proof component for Workfront and if you are enabled as a proof user. For more information about Workfront Proof, see Manage proofs within Adobe Workfront.

Note: Documents uploaded to a request do not autogenerate a proof.


Specify which notifications you would like to receive from Workfront. For more information about configuring notifications, see Modify your own email notifications.


Your access and other components associated with it are configured by your Workfront administrator, when your account is set up.

Only a Workfront administrator can see and edit all of the fields in this section.

You can change any of the following in this sub-section:

Is Active
This field is visible only to a user who is also a Workfront administrator, and it should be checked by default. This signifies that the user is active and can log in to Workfront
Access Level
This field is visible to users with a Standard, Plan, or Workfront administrator access level, and it is only editable for Workfront administrators. If you are a Workfront administrator, be mindful to not change your access level to something lower when you modify this field.
Layout Template
This field is visible to users with a Standard, Plan, or Workfront administrator access level, and it is only editable for Workfront administrators or users with a Standard or Plan license who also have administrative user access. Select a layout template here, to update the look and field of your Workfront interface. For more information about setting up users with administrative user access, see Configure users' access to edit users using a custom access level in Grant access to users.
For more information about layout templates and how they affect your interface, see Create and manage layout templates
(Conditional) User can generate proofs (... out of ... proof licenses left)
This field is available only if your company uses a legacy Workfront plan and has purchased the Workfront Proof component. When it is selected, you are enabled as a proofing user. It also displays the number of proof licenses used in your system out of the total number of proof licenses purchased. This field is visible and editable only to users who are also Workfront administrators. For more information about the plan options for proofing in Workfront, see Access to proofing functionality in Workfront.
(Conditional) Permission Profile

This field displays the level of access you have in Workfront Proof. It is available only if:

  • Your company uses a legacy Workfront plan and has purchased the Workfront Proof component, or you have a Standard, Work, or Plan license on a newer Workfront plan.
  • You are enabled as a proof user.

Workfront administrators can edit the field for all users except themselves, so all users see the field as view-only on their own profiles. For more information about the permission profile, see Proof Permission Profile overview.


This information is usually configured by your Workfront administrator, when they create your Workfront account. You can also update information about your organization or organization structure in this section. Only users with a Standard, Plan, or System Administrator access level can edit this section.

You can change any of the following in this sub-section:

Select the name of the company you belong to from the drop-down list.
(Conditional) Reports To
After you select a Company for your profile, you can also specify the name of your manager in this field. You can only specify one name here, and we recommend that you specify the name of your immediate manager. Start typing their name, and click to select it when it displays in the list.
(Conditional) Direct Reports
After you select a Company for your profile, you can also specify the name of your direct reports in this field. You can specify as many direct reports as needed here. Start typing their names, and click to select them when they appear in the list.
Home Team

Select a Home Team from the drop-down menu. This field is visible to users with a Standard, Plan, or System Administrator access level, and it is only editable for Workfront administrators or users with a Standard or Plan license who also have administrative user access. For more information about setting up users with administrative user access, see Configure users' access to edit users using a custom access level in Grant access to users.

Your Home Team can affect the look and feel of your Workfront interface, if a layout template is associated with the team.

For more information about teams, see Teams overview.

Other Teams

You can belong to more than one team. Specify additional teams that you belong to in this field by starting to type the name of a team, then click to select it when it displays in the list. Belonging to too many teams may create confusion about work that is assigned to the teams. For more information about teams, see Teams overview.

This field is visible to users with a Standard, Plan, or System Administrator license, and it is only editable for Workfront administrators or users with a Standard or Plan license who also have administrative user access. For more information about setting up users with administrative user access, see Configure users' access to edit users using a custom access level in Grant access to users.

Home Group

Select a Home Group from the drop-down menu.

Note: This is a required field. You cannot have a user not associated with a group.

This field is visible to users with a Standard, Plan, or System Administrator level. For more information about who can edit the Home Group field, see Edit a user's profile. Your Home Group is the default group for all the projects and the default Home Group for all new users you create. Any custom forms you create are shared with your Home Group by default.

For more information about groups, see Groups overview.

Other Groups

You can belong to multiple groups. Specify additional groups that you belong to in this field, by starting to type the name of a group. Click to select it when it displays in the list. This field is visible to users with a Standard, Plan, or System Administrator access level. For more information about who can edit the Other Groups field, see Edit a user's profile.

For more information about groups, see Groups overview.

Resource Planning

Your resource planning information affects the timeline of work assignments, the time you log, cost, and revenue of the projects you are on. Usually, this area is updated by the Workfront administrator, a project or resource manager, or by your direct manager.

Use any of the following in this section:

Schedule Deactivation

Check this box if you want to schedule that your account should be deactivated after a period of time. In the

Scheduled Deactivation Date that appears, specify the date after which your account becomes deactivated. For information about deactivating users, see Schedule users for deactivation in Deactivate or reactivate a user.

You can edit the deactivation fields of your account if you have a Standard or Plan license or you are the Workfront administrator.

Primary Role

This is the primary job role that you can fulfill in Workfront. Every task and issue that you are assigned to is also assigned to this job role, by default. Job roles are essential in resource management. For more information about job roles, see Create and manage job roles.

You can update this field only if you have a Standard or Plan license with administrative user access, or if you are a Workfront administrator. For more information about setting up users with administrative user access, see Configure users' access to edit users using a custom access level in Grant access to users.

(Conditional) If you selected a Primary Role, the Percentage of FTE Availability field displays.
Specify what percentage of your scheduled time is allocated to this job role. The default value for the Percentage of FTE Availability for the Primary Role is 100%.
Other Roles

You can have multiple job roles in Workfront. Job roles are essential in resource management. For more information about job roles, see Create and manage job roles.

You can update this field only if you have a Standard or Plan license with administrative user access, or if you are a Workfront administrator. For more information about setting up users with administrative user access, see Configure users' access to edit users using a custom access level in Grant access to users.

(Conditional) If you selected one or multiple Other Roles, the Percentage of FTE Availability field displays for each role.

Specify what percentage of your scheduled time is allocated to each job role. The default value for the Percentage of FTE Availability for the Other Roles is 0%.



  • If Other Roles have a 0% FTE Availability, they do not display in the Resource Planner, unless the users are assigned to tasks in these roles.

  • The sum of all Percentages of FTE Availability for all roles must equal 100%. Each Percentage of FTE Availability calculates the Available Hours for each role per user in the Resource Planner.

    The Available Hours for each role per user depends on the available time for the user. The available time for the user is calculated by Workfront depending on the method that has been selected by the Workfront administrator to calculate the FTE in the Resource Management Preferences. For more information about calculating availability for the user, see Overview of calculating hours and FTE for users and roles in the Resource Planner. For more information about configuring Resource Management preferences, see Configure Resource Management preferences.


Only Workfront administrators or users with a Standard or Plan license who also have administrative access for timesheets and hours can update this field. For more information about administrative access for timesheets and hours, see the "Timesheets and Hours" section in Grant users administrative access to certain areas.

Select the correct timesheet for you from the drop-down menu. This ensures that your timesheets are generated automatically, according to the specifications set by your Workfront administrator.

Default Hour Type
Select your default hour type. This is the hour type that the system uses by default whenever you log time in Workfront.
Available Hour Types
Select the hour types that should be available for you to select from, when you log time. The hour types in this drop-down menu are made available by your Workfront administrator.
Resource Pool
Select a resource pool that you belong to. This field is for reporting and informational purposes only. Tt does not affect resource scheduling or planning.

The number you specify here is taken into account to calculate your availability based on the Default Schedule only when the Resource Management Preferences at the system level are set to The Default Schedule.

For example, if the FTE value is 0.5 and the Default Schedule is 40 hours, you are available to work for 20 hours a week.

If the Resource Management Preferences at the system level are set to The User's Schedule, the value you specify here is ignored and you are available to work according to what is specified in your schedule. In this case, your FTE for the Resource Planner is calculated by the following formula:

User Available FTE = Hours from the Schedule of the User/ Default Schedule Hours

For more information about calculating user FTE, see Overview of calculating hours and FTE for users and roles in the Resource Planner.

For more information about creating schedules in Workfront, see Create a schedule.

For more information about configuring Resource Management Preferences, see Configure Resource Management preferences.

Cost per Hour
Specify the amount of cost per hour for your user. For more information about tracking costs in Workfront, see Track costs. You cannot update this information unless you have access to financial data from your access level or if you are a Workfront administrator. For more information about financial access, see Grant access to financial data.
Billing per Hour
Specify the amount of billing per hour for your user. For more information bout tracking billing and revenue, see Overview of Billing and Revenue. You cannot update this information unless you have access to financial data from your access level, or if you are a Workfront administrator. For more information about financial access, see Grant access to financial data.

Custom Forms

You can associate a custom form with your user profile. This allows you to store additional information for your user that otherwise cannot be stored in the Workfront native fields described above.

You must have either of the following access or permissions in order to attach a custom form to your user profile:

  • You are a Workfront administrator.
  • You are a Standard or Plan license user and the user custom form is shared with one of your groups.

All users can see custom forms that have been associated with their profiles.

Your Workfront administrator must configure custom forms for the user object in order for you to be able to attach a custom form to your user profile. For more information about creating custom forms, see Create a custom form.


You can record a comment on your user profile, which is stored on the profile’s Updates tab.

You can click the people icon to include others in the update.

You can click the lock icon to make this update private to users who are in the same company as you.
