Configure Resource Management preferences

Because this is a global setting, this selection affects all the calculations for the entire system, for all users, in all the resource management tools.
  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Click Resource Management.

  3. Select one of the following methods to calculate the availability of users in Workfront:

    • The Default Schedule: Workfront uses the Default Schedule of the system and the individual FTE of the user to calculate the Available Hours of the user in resource management tools.

      For more information about schedules, see Create a schedule.

      For more information about locating the value of the user’s FTE, see Edit a user’s profile.

      Workfront calculates the Available Hours of a user using the following formula when the Workfront administrator chooses The Default Schedule:

      User Available Hours = [(Default Schedule Hours - Exceptions) * FTE - Time off hours] * Work Time

      For example, if the Default Schedule is 40 hours a week, the FTE in the profile of the user is 0.5, the user has 1 hour of Time off one day, and the Work Time in the profile of the user is 0.5, the user is available for actual project work for 9.5 hours a week.
      If the user has 1 hour of Time off one day, their Available Hours will be calculated as follows:
      User Available Hours = [((40 - 0) * 0.5) - 1] * 0.5 = 9.5 hours
    • The User’s Schedule: Workfront uses the user’s schedule as well as the Default Schedule of the system to calculate the Available FTE value of the user in resource management tools. The Available Hours are calculated according only to the user’s schedule. The value of the FTE of the user is ignored. This is the default setting.

      For more information about schedules, see Create a schedule.

      For more information about a user’s Schedule, see Edit a user’s profile.

      If the user is not associated with a schedule, the Available Hours for the user are calculated using only the Default Schedule.

      The Available hours for the user is calculated by the following formula:

      User Available Hours = (Hours from the Schedule of the User - Schedule Exceptions - Time off hours) * Work Time

      The Available FTE for the user is calculated by the following formula:

      User Available FTE = [(Hours from the Schedule of the User - Schedule Exceptions - Time off hours) * Work Time] / Default Schedule hours

      For example, if the Default Schedule is 40 hours a week, the schedule of the user is 30 hours a week, and the user’s Work Time is 0.5 the FTE of the user is 0.35.
      If the user has 2 hours of Time off one day, their Weekly Available FTE will be calculated as follows:
      User Weekly Available FTE = [(30-2) * 0.5] / 40 = 0.35
  4. Click Save.

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