Set up the group of items in Production

You can choose how you want the group of items to display on your calendar.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Calendars.

  2. Select the calendar you want to add a new group of items to.
    Click + New Calendar and enter the calendar name.

    You must have Edit access to Reports, Dashboards, and Calendars in your access level to create a calendar report.
  3. On the left, click Add to Calendar, then click Add advanced items.

  4. Specify the following:

    Name this group of itemsType a name for the group of items.
    ColorSelect a color for the group of items. All items display in the selected color on the calendar report.
    Date FieldChoose Custom dates.
    On the calendar, show

    Choose how you want the dates to show:

    • Single Date: The calendar displays the object on a single date.

    • Duration (Start to End): The calendar displays the object over a span of days.

      Note: If you choose Duration, the end date specified must be after the start date or the item won't show on the calendar.

    Custom Dates

    Enter the custom date name attached to the object you want to track.

    NOTE: The search for the custom date name is limited to 50 results to avoid performance issues.

  5. Continue to the following section.

Add objects to the group of items in Production

After you set up how you want items to display, you need to add the objects you want to see on the calendar to the grouping.

  1. In the What would you like to add to the calendar? section, select

    • Tasks
    • Projects
    • Issues
  2. Click Add Tasks, Add Projects, or Add Issues, depending on the object type you are adding to the calendar.
    Select object for calendar

  3. In the drop-down menu, begin typing the field name, then select the field source of the object you want to display on the calendar (for example, Late Tasks).

  4. Set a condition statement for the calendar grouping.

    Condition statement

    To learn about setting conditions, see Filter and condition modifiers.

  5. (Optional) Specify additional objects for the calendar grouping by repeating Steps 1-4.

  6. In the Set the Tasks/Projects/Issues labels to be the… field, select how the objects in this calendar grouping are labeled in the calendar.

    If the default label options are not available for a certain object, the object name is shown instead. For example, when the Parent Task label is selected and there is no parent task associated with the object, Adobe Workfront displays the object name you are viewing in the calendar.
  7. Click Save.

Set up the group of items in Preview

You can choose how you want the group of items to display on your calendar.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Calendars.

  2. Select the calendar you want to add a new group of items, click the More menu, then Edit.
    Click + New Calendar, enter the project name, then click Add advanced items.

    You must have Edit access to Reports, Dashboards, and Calendars in your access level to create a calendar report.
  3. Specify the following:

    Name this group of itemsType a name for the group of items.
    ColorSelect a color for the group of items. All items display in the selected color on the calendar report.
    Date FieldChoose Custom dates.
    On the calendar, show

    Choose how you want the dates to show:

    • Single Date: The calendar displays the object on a single date.

    • Duration (Start to End): The calendar displays the object over a span of days.

      Note: If you choose Duration, the end date specified must be after the start date or the item won't show on the calendar.

    Custom Dates

    Enter the custom date name attached to the object you want to track.

    NOTE: The search for the custom date name is limited to 50 results to avoid performance issues.

  4. Continue to the following section.

Add objects to the group of items in Preview

After you set up how you want items to display, you need to add the objects you want to see on the calendar to the grouping.

  1. In the What would you like to add to the calendar? section, select

    • Tasks
    • Projects
    • Issues
  2. Click Add Tasks, Add Projects, Add Issues, or Time Off depending on the object type you are adding to the calendar.

  3. In the drop-down menu, begin typing the field name, then select the field source of the object you want to display on the calendar (for example, Late Tasks).

  4. Set a condition statement for the calendar grouping.

    To learn about setting conditions, see Filter and condition modifiers.

    Select object for calendar

  5. (Optional) Specify additional objects for the calendar grouping by repeating Steps 1-4.

  6. In the Set the Tasks/Projects/Issues labels to be the… field, select how the objects in this calendar grouping are labeled in the calendar.

    If the default label options are not available for a certain object, the object name is shown instead. For example, when the Parent Task label is selected and there is no parent task associated with the object, Adobe Workfront displays the object name you are viewing in the calendar.

    set task labels

  7. Click Save.
