Manage work and team requests in the Home area

When work tasks and issues are assigned to you, they are listed on the Work List in the Home area. You can view, reassign, reply to, work on, or remove a request. Work requests in the Home area are not limited to issues associated with request queues.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Work or higher
Access level configurations*

Edit access to Tasks and Issues

Note: If you still don't have access, ask your Workfront administrator if they set additional restrictions in your access level. For information on how a Workfront administrator can modify your access level, see Create or modify custom access levels.

Object permissions

Contribute permissions or higher to the tasks and issues you need to work on

For information on requesting additional access, see Request access to objects.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

View a work request

Work requests that are assigned to you are displayed in the left panel in Home. You can configure which requests are displayed in Home using the filter at the top of the Work List.

You can select filters that display items that are ready for you to work on, or items that you are currently working on already.

This article describes how to use the filters in the Home area to view items that you are currently working on or might consider starting to work on. For information about all filters in the Home area, see Display items in the Work List in the Home area.

  1. Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, then click Home.

  2. Click the Filter drop-down menu.

  3. Click either or both of the following options for tasks:

    Ready to Start: Displays only tasks and issues that are ready to start. Both of the following statements must be true:

    • The tasks and their parents have no predecessors or task constraints preventing them from being worked on.
    • The Planned Start Date of the tasks or issues is in the past or up to two weeks in the future.

    Not Ready: Displays only tasks and issues that are not yet ready to start. Either one of the following statements must be true:

    • The tasks and their parents might have predecessors or task constraints that prevent them from being worked on.
    • The tasks or issues have a Planned Start Date that is more than two weeks in the future.
  4. Click Working On under Tasks or Issues to display tasks and issues that you are currently working on.

  5. Click Requested under Issues to display issues that have been requested from you (you are assigned to them), but you have not accepted to work on yet.

Access a team request

You can access a request assigned to your team directly from the Home area. For more information about team requests, see Team requests overview.

  1. Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, then click Home.

  2. In the Work List area, click to expand the Team Requests grouping.

    If there are no requests assigned to your team, the grouping does not display.

  3. Click the team name.
    The Team Requests section displays and shows all requests assigned to your team. For more information about working with team requests, see Manage work and team requests.

Reassign a request

  1. Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, then click Home.

  2. In the Work List area, select the request you want to reassign.

  3. Click on the Assignments widget and remove yourself from the request, then type the name of the user you want to reassign the request to.

    note tip
    If the work request is still in the Ready to Start or Not Ready state, you can use the Reassign button in the More menu in the Work List.
    Reassign button
  4. If a task’s status is changed to New or In Progress after it was completed, you must unassign the user, save the task, then reassign the user in order for the task to reappear in their Home Work List.

Reply to a request

You can reply to a request to further clarify the request or to propose a new date.

  1. Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, then click Home.

  2. In the Work List area, select the request you want to reply to.

  3. Locate the individual who assigned the request to you.

    You can find this information on the Updates tab of the task. Make sure the option to Show System Updates is enabled.

  4. Click Start new update and begin typing your reply.

  5. Enter the name of the recipient in the Notify box, then click Update.

    note tip
    If the work request is still in the Ready to Start or Not Ready state, you can use the Reply button in the More menu in the Work List.
    Reply button >

Work on a request

When you click the Work On It button, you are indicating to the user who submitted the request and to any other user who might be assigned to the request that you are going to start working on the request. For more information about working on requests, see Manage work and team requests.

  1. Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, then click Home.
  2. In the Work List area, select the request you want to work on, then click Work On It.
    Information about the issue is displayed in the right panel.

Remove a request

If you decide that you should not be working on the request, you can either convert the task or issue back to a request or remove it from your list.

  1. Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, then click Home.

  2. In the Work List, point to the item waiting to be worked on.

  3. Click the Assignments widget and remove yourself. This removes the work item from your Work List. If the request is not assigned to anyone else or to another team or job role, the request is left unassigned.


    Click the More menu icon to the right of the task or issue name in the Home Work List.

  4. Select from the following options:

    • Convert to work request: Select this option to convert the work item back to a work request.\

      The work item is transitioned back to a request, and you remain assigned to the request.
      You can accept the request at a later time by clicking Work on It again.

    • Remove: Select this option to remove a request from your Work List.\

      You are unassigned from the request and the request is no longer associated with your name in Adobe Workfront.
      If the request is not assigned to anyone else or to another team or job role, the request is left unassigned.
