Get started with the Gantt Chart
The Gantt charts in Adobe Workfront provide a visual representation of the timeline of a list of tasks or projects.
In Adobe Workfront, there are two Gantt Charts with similar functionality:
- The task list Gantt Chart: displays information about tasks and their timeline at the project level. A similar Gantt Chart displays information about template tasks at the template level.
- The project list Gantt Chart: displays information about projects and their timeline.
Although they look and feel similar, the functionality of each one is different.
Considerations about the Gantt Chart
You can edit information in the following Gantt Chart:
- A task list
You cannot edit information in the following Gantt Charts:
- A template task list
- A project list
There is no Gantt Chart option for a list of templates.
You can configure what information displays on both the task list Gantt Chart and the project list Gantt Chart.
You cannot configure the colors or the fonts in which the Gantt chart information is displayed.
When information is updated from tasks, it is automatically reflected in both the task list Gantt Chart and the project list Gantt Chart.
When information is updated from template tasks, it is automatically reflected in the template task list Gantt Chart.
Access the Gantt Chart
The Gantt charts in Workfront provide a visual representation of a list of tasks or projects.
You can view the task list Gantt Chart directly from the task list on a project or from a task report.
You can view the project list Gantt Chart in a project list or a project report.
Task list Gantt Chart task-list-gantt-chart
To access the task list Gantt Chart of a project or a template:
Go to any of the following areas:
- A project, then click Tasks in the left panel.
- A template, then click Template Tasks in the left panel
- A task or template task, then click Subtasks in the left panel.
- A task report
Click the Gantt icon
The task list Gantt Chart opens to the right of the task list.
To configure what information you want to display in the task Gantt chart, click the Settings icon, then enable any of the following options:
- Actual Dates
- Assignments
- Baseline
- Commit Date
- % Complete
- Critical Path
- Milestone Diamonds
- Milestone Lines
- Predecessors
- Progress Status
- Projected Dates
Start editing the tasks as described in the following articles:
Project list Gantt Chart project-list-gantt-chart
To access the project list Gantt Chart:
Go to any of the following areas:
- The Projects area
- The Projects section of a Portfolio
- The Projects section of a Program
- A Project report
Click the Gantt icon at the top of the project list.
The project list Gantt Chart opens.
To configure what information you want to display in the project Gantt chart, click the Settings icon, then enable any of the following options:
- Actual Dates
- % Complete
- Milestone Diamonds
- Milestone Lines
- Predecessors
- Progress Status
- Projected Dates