What’s the difference between a proof and a version?

In Workfront Proof versions are displayed as a single Proof. Clicking on a specific version in the Web UI will display that version’s details. In reality, each version is a separate proof and the Web UI displays these together.

From the perspective of the API, each version is a separate proof and the proofs are linked together by their IDs.

createProof() will always create version 1 of the proof. Let’s assume for our example the ID returned for this proof “100”.

When using  createProofVersion() always send in the previous version’s ID. If we want to create version 2 on proof “100”, we pass in “100” for the ParentFileID parameter. This tells the system that this proof should be version 2 of the set. The method will return a unique proof ID, for our example let’s say this is “101”.

If a third version i.e. version 3 is required, you will call createProofVersion() again and this time pass in “101” for the ParentFileID which will ensure the linked list of versions is properly created.

Do I need to obtain a new Session ID before every call?

It’s important to point out that every Session ID is essentially a user performing the actions.

You do not need to obtain a new Session ID before every call to the API and it will remain valid for 24 hours. The expiry time resets every time you make a call to the API.

What is a proof / personal URL?

Team/Public: Each proof version has a unique Team (Public) URL. If enabled, it will open the proof in read only mode. You can obtain the Team URL using the getProofURL() method.

Personal: A personal URL is unique for every reviewer and proof version. If a proof set contains 3 versions and a reviewer is on all versions, the reviewer will have 3 unique personal URLs. A personal URL opens the proof version with the reviewer already identified and should therefore be kept safe and not shared. Personal URLs can be obtained by calling the getProofReviewers() method and then iterating over each  SOAPRecepientObject and getting the parameter “proof_url”.

>How to include custom parameters when opening the miniproof?

The miniproof allows you to embed the proofing tool in your own page. A “referer” parameter can be included as part of the miniproof in order to provide a redirect URL when a user clicks on the close button in the miniproof. You can include any number of custom parameters as part of this redirect URL by appending them using the escaped ‘&’ character e.g. %26.

For example, the miniproof URL
https://app.proofhq.com/viewer/proofingcode?referer=closingurl.com&customparam1=somevalue&customparam2= must be encoded as
https://app.proofhq.com/viewer/proofingcode?referer=closingurl.com%26customparam1=somevalue%26customparam2= in order for the custom parameters to be passed through.


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