Export More Information from the Resource Planner

You can now export information from up to 52 weeks, 36 months, or 12 quarters in the Resource Planner. If the amount of information you are exporting is too large, you receive an email with the exported file attached. The file is available for you to download for up to a week from the time the download was started.

Previously, you could export only up to a maximum of 4 weeks, months, or quarters at a time.

For more information, see the Export information from the Resource Planner.

Task List Improvements

  • This feature has been removed from the Preview environment and will not be included with the 2018.3 release. It will be released at a later date.

A new experience is now available when viewing a list of tasks. This experience includes increased performance, as well as smoother and faster list navigation.

The following visible changes are also available:

  • Groupings are collapsed by default.
    Prior to this change, groupings were expanded by default.
  • Quick filters have been added to the task list.
  • The Project header remains visible when you scroll down the task list.
  • New status icons are available.

The following functionality has been changed in task lists:

  • Right-clicking capability and the contextual menu that it provided.
    Instead of right-clicking on tasks to edit them, you can do the following:

    • When you select a single task, you can now use the More menu with the same options as the previous right-click menu.

    • When you select multiple tasks, you can use the icons at the top of the list to perform any of the actions included in the previous right-click menu.

      All changes are visible on the task lists inside projects, as well as the Subtasks tab under tasks.

For more information about working in lists, see Get started with lists in Adobe Workfront.

For more information about chaining tasks in the Gantt chart, see Create predecessor relationships by chaining tasks.

Project List Improvements

The ability to reorder columns has been added back to a list of projects in the following subtabs:

  • Projects I Own
  • Projects I’m On
  • All Projects

This functionality was removed in the 2018.2 release.

For more information about working in lists, see Get started with lists in Adobe Workfront.

Editing the Task List in Gantt Chart Edit Mode

  • This feature has been removed from the Preview environment and will not be included with the 2018.3 release. It will be released at a later date.

You can now perform the following actions on the tasks in a project when they display in the edit mode of the Gantt chart:

  • Add tasks
  • Remove tasks
  • Inline edit tasks

Although you can see how your changes affect the timeline of the project, changes are not immediate. You can save them to update the project timeline, or you can cancel them.

Previously, you could not perform these actions on tasks when they displayed in the edit mode of the Gantt chart. You could make these changes in a task list that did not display in the Gantt chart, but they were immediate.

For information about editing tasks in the Gantt Chart, see Update information in the task list Gantt Chart.

Measurement Tool Colors

When you use the measurement tool to measure areas on a proof, you can now change the tool color and opacity. Workfront remembers these settings in all proofs you open until you empty your browser cache.

The default color is now red.

Previously, the measurement tool displayed only in blue, which made it difficult to see on proof content containing similar shades of blue.

Proofs Open in a New Tab

  • This feature was removed from the Preview environment and will not be included with the 2018.3 release.

When you open a proof anywhere in Workfront or Workfront Proof, the proofing viewer now launches in a new browser tab and the focus switches to that tab. You can work in multiple browser tabs, reviewing proofs and continuing your work on projects, tasks, and issues in Workfront or Workfront Proof.

Previously, the proofing viewer launched in a frame on top of your current Workfront or Workfront Proof browser tab, making that tab inaccessible until you closed the proofing viewer.

For more information, see .

The following enhancements are now available on the print summary page when you print a proof or save it as a PDF or XLS file:

  • You can sort the proof’s comments by creator.

    Previously, you could sort comments in the order in which they were created or the order in which they appeared on each page.

  • You can filter the proof’s comments by Author, Action, and Unresolved status.

    Previously, comment filtering was not available on the print summary page.

  • Stages are now included, along with the details about each stage.

    Previously, stages were not included.

Log Time in Days in the Workfront Mobile App

You can now log time in days in the Workfront mobile app.

Previously, you could log time using only hours in the mobile app, even when your profile preference was set to log time in days.

For more information about logging time in the mobile app, see .

This feature is immediately available to test with the Android Beta app.

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