Configure the backlog on a workstream board

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Boards.

  2. Open the workstream you want to work in. To open a workstream, click View workstream.

  3. Click any board in the workstream to open it.

  4. Click Configure on the right of the board to open the Configure panel.

  5. Turn on Include a backlog column on this board.

    The backlog column is added on the left of the board. It remains blank until you apply a query to it.

  6. Expand Backlog query.

    A default query may already be applied to the backlog, showing all work items from the card list that have a status and the status is not Complete.
  7. Click Add condition and click in the “empty” field.

  8. Select the field to query by.

    The fields you can choose from are the default fields on a card.

  9. Select the query modifier.

    The modifier options depend on the fields they can apply to. For example, the “name” field does not have “greater than” or “less than” as modifier choices because those modifiers only apply to numbers.

  10. Select the value.

    The value is not available when you use “exists” or “not exists” as the modifier.

    For example, if you choose “Due date” and “exists,” the backlog will display cards with assigned due dates. Any card without a due date will not be pulled in to the backlog.

  11. (Optional) Click Add condition to add another condition to the query.

    Backlog query

  12. (Optional) Click Make group to add a group of conditions connected to the first condition with an OR operator.

  13. Click Save query.

    The query is applied and cards meeting the criteria appear in the backlog column.

Previous pageCreate an iteration in a workstream
Next pageReview iteration metrics


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