Copying Proofs in Workfront Proof

This article refers to functionality in the standalone product Workfront Proof. For information on proofing inside Adobe Workfront, see Proofing.

Reviewers with edit rights on a proof can create a copy of the proof, either as a new version of the existing proof or as a new proof. (For more information, see . For information about edit rights, see Proof Permissions Profiles in Workfront Proof.)

The reviewers that were on the original proof automatically appear in the Share section of the Copy proof page, but they can be removed. If a reviewer is deleted, their comments will remain.

A copy of a proof counts towards your monthly proof limit. However, if the copy is created as a new version, it is included in the version set count. For more information, see Managing Proof Versions in Workfront Proof.

Copying a Proof

  1. Go to any of the Views pages, as described in Manage Items on the Views Page in Workfront Proof.

  2. Open the More menu for the proof.
    More menu

  3. Choose Copy from the dropdown menu.

  4. In the Copy proof page that appears, specify whether you want to create the copy as a new version of the existing proof or as a new proof.
    By default, the name of your copy is “Copy of [original proof name].”

  5. (Optional) To rename your copy proof, type a new Proof name.

  6. (Optional) In the Share section, do any of the following:

  7. In the Organize section, do any of the following:

  8. In the More settings section, select the Configure Proof Settings in Workfront Proof you want. For more information, see Configure Proof Settings in Workfront ProofThe selections made in this section display in the Proof details page (where some fields can be edited). For more information, see Manage Proof Details in Workfront Proof.

Note that you can also create a copy of a proof in the following places (if you have the required account permission profile):

Copying Existing Proof Settings for a New Proof

Instead of having to pick the reviewers, workflows, tags, and folders over and over again when you create a new proof, you can create it using settings for an existing proof. If necessary, you can adjust the settings.

To copy existing proof settings for a new proof:

  1. Go to any of the Views pages, as described in Manage Items on the Views Page in Workfront Proof.

  2. Open the More menu for the proof.
    More menu

  3. Choose View proof details from the dropdown menu.

  4. Click More.

  5. Click Copy with new file in the dropdown menu.

  6. In the New proof page that appears, upload a new file, then click Create.
