Adobe Workfront Goals 21.1 release activity: Week of December 14, 2020

This page describes all enhancements made with the 21.1 release for Adobe Workfront Goals to the Preview environment the week of December 14, 2020. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment in the first quarter of 21.1.

For a list of all changes available for Workfront Goals at this point in the 21.1 release cycle, see Adobe Workfront Goals with the 21.1 release.

For a list of all changes available for all areas of Workfront at this point in the 21.1 release cycle, see 21.1 release overview.

New workflow for aligning goals

We have improved the way aligning a goal works. Now, you can see a new “Align to another goal” link in the Goal Details panel where you can align your goal to a parent goal. Prior to this improvement, the option to align a goal was not readily visible. Instead, it was one of the options listed in the gear icon of the “Align to” section of Goal Details.

For information about aligning goals, see Align goals by connecting them in Adobe Workfront Goals.

Updated the color for the Draft status of goals

Based on the feedback we have received from you, we have updated the Draft status for goals to yellow. Prior to this enhancement the color for drafted goals was red which might have been perceived as an error or a problem.

For information about goal statuses, see Goal status overview in Adobe Workfront Goals.
