Best practices for Enhanced analytics

In order to get the best data for your projects, use templates that have accurate planned hours and duration days. You also need to make sure that your users enter and update the fields below as accurately as possible.

Some of the following fields are calculations that Workfront performs based on information that users input. You cannot manually update these fields.
  • Planned Hours

    This is the most important field to fill out.

    If your teams don’t use planned hours, you can still see some data based on project duration.
    For more information, see the section Duration view in this article.
  • Project Name

    The name should be descriptive of the project.

  • Project Condition

  • Project Status

  • Project Planned Start Date

  • Planned Completion Date

  • Project Actual Start Date

  • Project Actual End Date

  • Project Duration Hours

  • Project Actual Hours

  • Task Status (This includes marking tasks Completed.)

  • Task Name

  • Task Percent Complete

  • Task Planned Start Date

  • Task Planned Completion Date

It can take up to 24 hours for changes made to tasks and projects to reflect in Enhanced analytics.

Duration view

By default, the Burndown and Project treemap visualizations are based on planned hours. If your teams don’t use planned hours, you can look at these visualizations based on project duration.

In Enhanced analytics, the duration of a project is calculated by the following formulas:

  • Planned Timeframe:

    Planned Completion Date of the project - Start Date of the project
  • Days Worked:

    Planned Duration for tasks completed in the selected date range / Typical hours per work day
    8 hours is the default number for Typical hours per work day. A Adobe Workfront administrator can update the Typical hours per work day setting under Setup > Project Preferences > Projects > Timelines.
    To learn more, see Configure system-wide project preferences.

For information on Planned Duration, see Overview of project Duration.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can use the following keys on your keyboard to navigate or complete specific actions in the Enhanced analytics area:

TabNavigate to each element on the page, as well as to a table with information on each visualization that does not display on the page
EnterOpen the calendar widget, delete an existing filter, open the add filter options, select/deselect filter values, apply a filter that you’ve created, open the export options on each visualization, open the drop-down menus on the Burndown, Tasks in flight, and Project treemap visualizations
Arrow keysNavigate to dates on the calendar widget, through filter options when adding a filter, and through options in all drop-down menus on the visualizations
SpacebarSelect dates in the calendar widget, select a filter type when adding a filter, select an export option from the drop-down menu on each visualization, and select options from the drop-down menus on the Burndown, Tasks in flight, and Project treemap visualizations

If you are using screen-reading software or a plug-in, the screen reader reads the information on the screen aloud and describes the actions you are completing as you use the keys listed above.

Enhanced analytics views and features

To learn more about the details of a specific feature within Enhanced analytics, the actions you can complete to get further insight, and what you can learn from this data, see the following articles:

Apply filters in Enhanced analyticsYou can apply custom filters, project field filters, or team filters to view only projects that fit specific criteria. As you add filters, the number of projects updates accordingly.
Understand Enhanced analytics KPIsKey performance indicators (KPIs) for all projects within a specific time frame are located at the top of the screen.
View the Flight plan visualization in Enhanced analyticsThe Flight plan visualization shows you the condition has changed over the life of a project. Interacting with the visualization gives you more details about specific dates. Selecting a project opens the Burndown and Tasks in flight visualizations.
View the Burndown visualization in Enhanced analyticsThe Burndown visualization shows you the planned velocity of a project compared to the actual amount of hours spent on a project. Interacting with the visualization gives you more details about the condition of the project on a specific date.
View the Tasks in flight visualization in Enhanced analyticsThe Tasks in flight visualization shows you the status of each task within a project. Interacting with the visualization allows you to quickly and easily make changes to a task.
View the Project activity visualization in Enhanced analyticsThe Project activity visualization shows you a heatmap of when users assigned to a project logged in to Workfront, changed the status of task in that project, and completed tasks in that project. Interacting with the visualization allows you to see these details for each user. You can also see specific dates for these actions, as well as the number of times each action was completed.
View the Project treemap visualization in Enhanced analyticsThe Project treemap visualization shows you how much time has been spent on some projects compared to others. Interacting with the visualization gives you details about the condition of the project, the planned project completion, and the actual project completion.
View the Activity by team visualization in Enhanced analyticsThe Activity by team visualization shows you a heatmap of when users on a home team logged into Workfront, changed the status of a task, and completed a task. Interacting with the visualization allows you to see these details for each individual user. You can also see specific dates for these actions, as well as the number of times each action was completed.