View the Burndown visualization

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Analytics.

  2. (Optional) To use a different date range, select new start and end dates from the date range filter.

    Select dates

    For information on using the date range filter, see Apply filters in Enhanced analytics.

  3. (Conditional) If you need to limit the project data set, select and apply the filters that you want to use.

    For more information on adding filters in Enhanced analytics, see Apply filters in Enhanced analytics.

    After you add filters, data for up to 50 projects displays and the filters remain active even after you leave the page or log out of Workfront.

  4. (Optional) To zoom in on a date range, select a point on the visualization for the start of your date range, and drag it to the end of your date range.

    All other visualizations update to the same date range, and a timeframe filter is automatically created.

    Timeframe filter

  5. On the Flight plan or Project treemap visualization, click a project to view more information.

    The Burndown and Tasks in flight visualizations display.

  6. (Optional) Change the view from planned hours to duration.

    Planned hours is selected by default.

    Selecting duration changes all hours information to days.
    Duration burndown
    For more information on duration in the Enhanced analytics area, see the “Duration view” section in Enhanced analytics overview.
  7. Click any point on the line graph.

    The exact date displays and further information about tasks and hours—or days—for the selected day displays below the graph.

    Burndown details

    If the actual velocity is a flat line that runs along the x axis (inline with 0 hours or 0 days) of the visualization, this means that no planned hours—or days—were added to the project.
    If the actual velocity is a flat line above the x axis (inline with a number of hours or number of days) that never goes down, this means that no tasks were completed within the filtered time period.
  8. (Optional) To export the visualization data, click the Export icon Export icon in the top-right corner of the visualization, and select the export format:

    • Chart (PNG)
    • Data Table (XSLX)
  9. (Optional) To see details about the progress of tasks in the selected project, look at the Tasks in flight visualization that appears below the Burndown visualization. For more information, see View the Tasks in flight visualization in Enhanced analytics.

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Next pageView the Tasks in flight visualization in Enhanced analytics
