Configure authentication (available for all customers)

Authentication options are displayed for all customers. Improved password management capabilities are coming soon or might already be available for your organization, as described in the section Configure enhanced authentication) in this article.

To configure authentication preferences:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Click System > Authentication.

  3. Select any of the following fields to establish the authentication settings for your organization:

    Force users to reset their password every <value> daysThis establishes the time frame for users to reset their Workfront password. By default, this option is disabled. When you enable it, you can choose between 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 days. The default is 30 days.
    Don't allow users to set the same password as any of their previous <value> passwords

    This field prohibits users from reusing passwords for a set number of resets. By default, this field is disabled. When you enable it, you can set this value to 5, 10, or 15 resets before a password can be reused.

    When this option is selected, users cannot reset their passwords more than one time in a given day

    If an incorrect password is entered five consecutive times, lock the account for <value> minutes:

    Select how long a user will be locked out of Workfront after entering an incorrect password five consecutive times. By default, this option is enabled, and the amount of wait time is 10 minutes. You can lock accounts for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, or 24 hours.

    Manually resetting the password for the user overrides this default wait value.
    Users can reset their own passwords when they are locked out via the login screen. For more information about how they can reset their password, if they forgot it, see Reset your password.

    Passwords must contain at least <value> different types of characters:

    Determines how strong user passwords are required to be by allowing you to select the number of different types of characters required in your passwords.

    A recognizable dictionary word cannot be used as a password.
    By default, Workfront requires that at least 2 of the following are present in passwords (you can also require 3 of these characters to be present for a valid password):

    • Uppercase characters
    • Lowercase characters
    • Numbers
    • Symbols
  4. Click Save.

Configure enhanced authentication

This section describes the enhanced authentication experience, which might not yet be available for your organization. If your organization has not been migrated to the new authentication experience, you must configure the authentication settings, as described in Configure authentication (available for all customers).

To configure enhanced authentication preferences:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Click System > Enhanced Authentication.

  3. In the Password Length box, enter the minimum number of characters required for a valid password.

    Workfront requires at least 6 characters.

  4. (Optional) In the Password Requirements section, select the types of characters required in user passwords.

    You can increase the strength of user passwords by requiring any or all the types of characters in the Password Requirement section. The following options are available:

    Lowercase LettersRequire at least one lowercase letter
    Uppercase LettersRequire at least one uppercase letter
    NumbersRequire at least one number
    Special CharactersRequire at least one special character
  5. Click Save.

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