View and manage documents from Google Workspace

The most recent version of the Adobe Workfront plugin for Google was released on June 26, 2023.

You can view and manage documents associated with a Adobe Workfront object without leaving Google Workspace.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Work, Plan

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.


Before you can view or manage Workfront documents in Google Workspace, you must

View and manage Workfront documents in Google Workspace

  1. If the Workfront for Google Workspace panel is not displayed, click the Workfront icon in the Google Workspace add-ons sidebar at the far-right of the page.

  2. Go to the Workfront task or issue within Google Workspace, as described in Access Adobe Workfront Home content from Google Workspace.

  3. Click Documents.

    The number indicates how many documents have been uploaded to the task or issue, both as attached files and as shared files stored in the cloud.

    Folders and documents uploaded to the task and issue appear in a list. You can click any folder to list the documents inside.

  4. (Optional) Click the name of a document to view information about it.

    When you are viewing information about a document, the information at the top of Workfront for Google Workspace displays the parent object of the document and the name of the document. Below, you can view additional information about the document, such as the owner, the date when it was added to the object, and its size.

  5. (Optional) Click Updates to view or post any updates about the document, then click Details to return to viewing information about the document.

    If you need information about posting updates or replies, see Update a Adobe Workfront object from Google Workspace.

  6. (Optional) Click the Download icon to download a document in the list.


    If the document is saved on a cloud drive, click the Open icon .

  7. Click View in Workfront to go to the Document Details page for the document in Workfront.

You can also view and manage documents (and other details) associated with a Workfront object in Google Workspace when you receive a Workfront notification email about the object. For more information, see Manage Adobe Workfront notification details from Google Workspace.
